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A note from the Editor

Some very exciting things have been happening here. First, IAPD hosted its 12th Annual Legislative Conference in April. Springfield was also the site for the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Mid-Year Meeting of the Board of Trustees. And, IAPD hired me, Tim Snodgrass, as Communications Director and Editor.

I began my first day on the job, April 16, exhilarated and excited. After finding out that I had to put together a 40-page magazine, attend the Legislative Conference, pass muster with IAPD and IPRA board members, attend the NRPA Mid-Year Meeting, and work with a new computer and software package, I ended my first day exhausted and exasperated. But, after only a few weeks, I survived the conference, mid-year meeting, and other demands. And, I'm exhilarated and excited again.

You may notice some changes in the "look" of the magazine. Some changes are subtle, others will hit you in the face; more changes will be forthcoming.

Back to business now. The Legislative Conference was a huge success with the largest turnout ever. The mid-year meeting was also another success despite wet weather.

In this issue of IP&R, and until the General Election in November, gubernatorial candidates Neil P. Hartigan and Jim Edgar will respond to questions and issues that are of concern to all of us associated with parks, forest preserves, conservation, and recreation. That special feature starts on page 18.

On page 9, Alan J. Brinkmeier begins his essay on "The duty to warn," which explains legal aspects of hidden dangers. I hope you enjoy this thought-provoking article.

Also, don't forget to tear out the 1990/1991 Park District Calendar that starts on page 13.

DON'T READ THIS unless you plan to respond with a letter. I am interested in hearing from our readers. Occasionally, a letter may be worthy of being printed. Tell us what you like or dislike about IP&R magazine, and what you'd like to see. Send your letters to: Letter to the Editor, Illinois Parks & Recreation Magazine, 211 East Monroe St., Springfield, Ill. 62701. Letters must include your name and signature to be considered.

Until next time, happy reading.

On The Cover

Kim Harris of Murphysboro took this photograph of some beautiful wild phlox called "wild sweet-william."

Wild phlox

Illinois Parks and Recreation 4 May/June 1990

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