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The following article is excerpted from a forthcoming book authored by IAPD Executive Director Dr. Ted Flickinger, CAE.

Dr. Ted Flickinger, CAE BOARDSMANSHIP . . .

Should board members limit their terms of office?

By Dr. Ted Flickinger, CAE
IAPD Executive Director and Managing Editor

Sometimes the decision to continue to serve on a park and recreation board is made by someone else. In Illinois, park board members will not be re-elected to office. In other states, the mayor or county board member chooses not to reappoint a board member.

A Kane County Illinois Forest Preserve board member served that agency for 51 years. It's not unusual to have park board members (commissioners) in Illinois serving 10 or 15 years. I have found that people have mixed reactions to the question, "Should there be a limit to the number of years or times a citizen serves on a park, recreation or conservation board?"

I have received a number of telephone calls through the years from board members who wonder whether they should continue to serve on their local boards. My advice is that the individual board member must make the decision by asking himself certain rather simple but searching questions:

1) Do I continue to enjoy working with the public?
2) Do I really enjoy serving on a park and recreation board or is it time to serve some other public interest?
3) Am I maintaining a strong interest in the park, recreation or conservation agency and its services?
4) Am I providing effective support and assistance to the park, recreation or conservation agency?
5) Do I attend meetings regularly and contribute ideas fair to all?
6) Have I maintained confidence in the effectiveness of the board and staff?
7) Do I get along with my fellow board members?
8) Am I continuing to look at the progress of the agency without having "an ax to grind'' or special interest that affects my decisions?
9) Will my continued membership strengthen and unify the board?
10) Are board meetings remaining enjoyable?

There are particular factors or points of view that should be considered in addressing the question of whether a certain number of years should dictate a board member's continued service. Rotation on the board broadens the citizens' involvement in the agency, and perhaps support for parks, recreation and conservation. A change of membership on the board introduces "new blood" and new points of view. New members eliminate nonproductive board members.

Sometimes board members serving too long become possessive and self-perpetrating. On the other hand, a dedicated and effective board member does not just happen. It takes time to learn about an agency and how to be an efficient and effective board member. Valuable board members are too essential and should not be replaced simply because they have served a certain period of time. Boards that frequently rotate members can develop a dependency upon an authoritative executive. A good board member is an asset and stabilizing force within the agency and throughout the community.

In my view, building an effective board is an on-going process. We must recruit outstanding people, train them and continue the educational process through their terms. The good board member will know when it's time to step aside.

Who educates the park, recreation and conservation boards? A section of this book describes the educational roles of the local agency, the executive, the state and national associations. For more information on educational opportunities contact the Illinois Association of Park Districts, 211 East Monroe, Springfield, IL 62701, (217) 523-4554.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 5 May/June 1990

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