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State Reports

Items listed under State Reports have been received by the Documents Unit, Illinois State Library, Springfield, and are usually available from public libraries in the state through interlibrary loan. Issuing agencies may have copies available. For items listed under Other Reports write to the publisher as noted.

State Reports

Illinois Data Book: 1989 Edition Department of Commerce and Community Affairs 620 E. Adams, Springfield 62701 (April 1991), 419pp.

The material presented in this ninth edition of the Illinois Data Book is presented in three sections. The first includes statistical data pertaining to the economy of the state as whole. The second section summarizes the data for each of 12 geographic areas and provide maps showing comparative boundaries between these areas and the Corridors of Opportunity.The third section presents economic data for each of the geographic areas that are identical to the areas found in "A Five-Year Plan 1989, also published by the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs. Eighteen categories of data for each of the 12 geographic areas are included in this final section.

Global Warming and Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Air Pollution, 2200 Churchill Rd., Springfield 62794-9276 (March 1991), 4pp.

Global warming, or the "greenhouse effect" (the two terms describe the same thing and may be used interchangeably), is a natural phenomenon that plays a key role in determining the earth's climate. Ozone depletion is a man-made phenomenon that effects the ozone layer, which blocks most of the harmful rays from the sun. This pamphlet explains these scientific terms in layman's language and also describes the causes and effects of both phenomena. A final section discusses what citizens can do to protect the ozone layer and stop the greenhouse, effect.

Other Reports

1991 Illinois Economic Outlook, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 428 Commerce West, 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 61820 (1991), 36pp.

This report presents a general forecast for the Illinois economy as well as a specific look at agriculture, banking, education, energy, exports, the state's fiscal position and health care. A final section, entitled "Outlook," contains tables showing forecasts in the areas of employment, gross state product (real and nominal), personal income (real and nominal) and retail sales (real and nominal).

Anna Merritt

40/July 1991/Illinois Issues

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