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Edgar Announces Governor's Conference On
New Horizons For Parks And Recreation

When Illinois Governor Jim Edgar was on the campaign trail, he and then Attorney General Neil F. Hartigan responded to questions in a special feature in the May/June 1990 Illinois Parks & Recreation magazine.

Edgar said in that article, "As a candidate for Governor, I am a strong supporter of park and forest preserve districts. I demonstrated my support by speaking out publicly on proposals to provide additional financial support to your programs."

Edgar supported SB 1463 and wrote Governor James Thompson advocating approval of Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) funding. Leaders from the Illinois Association of Park Districts worked hard to fashion a workable bill in legislature. The result was SB 1463 which provides a stable funding source needed for the years ahead.

In addition Edgar supported the final version of SB 787 which provides more than $5 million a year for acquisition and development of bike paths.

The combination of these two pieces of legislation represents the kind of commitment state government needed to make.

Edgar also said during his bid for Governor, "I would continue to recognize the need for stable financial support so that your districts can meet the needs of your respective areas. Dependable financing is also important so that you can plan for the future and know what resources will be available. The open space and recreational demands for the 21st Century mean that we should not retreat from our support for stable funding.

"I would be a strong advocate for reestablishing federal programs to supplement state and local grant programs."

During the gubernatorial race, Edgar agreed, that if elected, he would host a Governor's Conference on parks and recreation. Edgar announced at the IAPD 13th Annual Legislative Conference held April 24 in Springfield that he will convene such a conference on "New Horizons for Parks and Recreation" next spring to chart the course for parks and recreation during the remainder of the decade. "We have a duty to improve the quality of life in this state as we near the 21st Century, and certainly the availability of parks and recreational opportunities plays a significant role in the enjoyment of our leisure time," the Governor said.


"I am confident that the Governor's Conference next spring will provide an appropriate forum to foster the development of parks, recreation and conservation throughout the 1990s and beyond."

IAPD Executive Director Dr. Ted Flickinger stated that recommendations which result from the Governor's Conference will impact parks, recreation and conservation in Illinois for the next 15 years.

The conference will include, but will not be limited to, the following topics:

•economic significance of parks and recreation to the local and state economies

• the social impact of parks and recreation in the local communities

• environmental issues (i.e., preservation vs. development)

• private business/public agencies cooperative and competing recreation ventures

• continuation of volunteer citizens serving park and recreation agencies

• problems of aged

• specialized recreation services for the handicapped

• substance abuse/preventative programs in the public leisure service agencies

• deterrence of crime and juvenile delinquency

• stateside trails system and rails to trails

•wildlife habitat improvement/ production throughout Illinois

Tied in with the Governor's Conference will be a major emphasis on "Kids For Conservation."

The conference, Edgar said, also should explore environmental concerns such as the destruction of wetlands, the use of pesticides and recycling.

"We cannot separate environmental protection issues from conservation concerns or clean air and clean waterfrom discussions about outdoor recreational opportunities," Edgar said.

Copies of the executive summary of this study of the economic impact of Illinois park and forest preserve districts are available for $2 each plus postage and shipping by writing the Illinois Association of Park Districts, 211 E. Monroe St., Springfield, III. 62701,or calling (217) 523-4554.

Illinois Parks and Recreation May/June 1991 page 5

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