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Amboy Remembers Mautino

Memorial Plaque

Left to right: Mayor Ken McCracken,
Joan Mautino, Rep. Frank Mautino
and (Late) Rep. Myron Olson.

"Without Dick Mautino and Myron Olson, this project would never have been started or completed."

With those words by Mayor Ken McCracken, the city's new water treatment plant and tower were dedicated to the memory of the late State Rep. Richard A. Mautino, who died last August.

State Rep. Frank Mautino, who was appointed to fill his father's unexpired term and will seek re-election this year, and Dick's wife, Joan, were on hand for the brief ceremony. They thanked the city for the honor.

City representatives were joined by county and state officials and a number of political candidates.

A plaque outside the treatment plant reads, "In memory of Richard A. Mautino, Illinois State Representative, whose efforts made the water works project 1990-91 possible. A great friend of the city of Amboy. He will be missed by all. Richard A. Mautino 7-7-38 8-29-91."

On hand for the ceremony were Fr. Tony Becker of St. Patrick Parish, who gave the invocation; Sublette Village President Larry Leffelman, State Rep. Myron Olson, Lee County Board Chairman Ron Conderman, Lee County Treasurer Sharon U. Thompson, David D. Considine, legislative aide to Mautino, Aldermen Jim Ross and Tom Nauman, City Treasurer Jane McCoy, Public Works Director Dennis Nauman, Amboy Township Road Commissioner Dennis McCoy, Police Chief Randy Jordan and several others.

A tribute to the late legislator, penned by City Clerk Darlene Hinkle, was read. It is as follows:

In Memory of Richard Mautino

In a world full of turmoil and strife we look for a leader with strength. And when that leader comes forward, and is willing to go the length, we put all our faith in their efforts not knowing what else to do.

Seeking their help when we need it, knowing they'll always come through. We can't all go to Springfield to get the attention we must, so we send our state representative a person we know we can trust.

Richard Mautino was that kind of leader, he'd go that extra mile. He was there when he was needed and always with a smile.

No matter how rich; no matter how poor; no matter your party choice, he was there to represent us, our leader; he was our voice.

His death was a shock to us all, but knowing his work wasn't done, he didn't leave us abandoned, he left us in the hands of his son.

And tho he'll be greatly missed by everyone that loved him so much, we were so lucky for the time that we had him and for all the lives that he touched. •

Page 20 / Illinois Municipal Review / March 1992

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