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Champaign-Urbana To Host
Recycling Conference

APRIL 30 - MAY 1, 1992

The lack of good and stable markets has long been identified as the largest obstacle facing recycling efforts throughout the country. The political will to recycle and the professional expertise are not common place, but to stabilize existing recycling efforts and to encourage new programs, new and stronger markets need to be established.

For many years, our free market system and the goals of recyclers have been working at cross purposes. The road to success seems to be to make those same market forces work in our favor. How do we do that? Buy products that are made from "post consumer goods," recycled products.

"I think most people would purchase recycled products if they knew how. This conference will show people what is available and where they can purchase them," stated Mayor Dan McCollum of Champaign.

The Cities of Champaign and Urbana will host the Midwest Recycled Products Procurement Conference and Exposition which is designed to provide both recycling and purchasing officials with information on the development and implementation of procurement policies for recycled products. This Conference and Exposition will specifically focus on the needs of local governments, state governments, and academic institutions.

The Conference will include seminars led by officials who have taken the lead in the design of innovative procurement policies. Also, seminars by industry leaders will provide individuals with information about the many products available in the marketplace that are made from recycled materials. It will provide an open forum for policy makers and administrators to exchange ideas about proactive procurement strategies.

Mayor Jeff Markland explained that "If all local and state governments would purchase the products that are presently available, we would soon find that recycling is not only the right thing to do, but economical as well. I would hope every city would send at least one representative."

The Exposition will provide participating officials direct contact with firms that provide products to meet specific procurement needs. All products displayed at the Exposition will contain at least 10% recycled feedstocks. This is an excellent opportunity to examine products made from recycled materials and discuss specific procurement requirements with participating firms.

The Conference will be held at The Chancellor Hotel & Convention Center in Champaign, IL and the Exposition will be held at The University of Illinois Assembly Hall on April 30-May 1, 1992. Two day registration is $75 and includes the Conference, Exposition, and Poster Session. Overnight accommodations are available at The Chancellor Hotel, or you may contact the Champaign-Urbana Convention & Visitors Bureau at 1-800-369-6151. •

March 1992 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 21

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