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A new statewide initiative sponsored by the Secretary of State's office, called "Safe Celebration," is underway to combat underage drinking and driving in Illinois.

While drivers under age 21 make up just 9 percent of our license holders, they are involved in 17 percent of alcohol-related fatalities. In fact, drunk driving is the leading cause of death for teenagers.

Why do teenagers attend beer parties? If they are honest, they will tell you the real reason is not because of beer, but to be with their peers.

That is why our message to teens is most critical. We have to find a way to say: "Celebrate safely today . . . live to celebrate another day."

In examining ways to fight drinking and driving among young people, we have found that a strong community-based effort offers the greatest opportunity for public awareness and support.

"Safe Celebration" is designed to build partnerships between my office, local officials, communities and schools to provide alcohol-free activities at school dances, proms, graduations or any other occasions.

Fifteen regional conferences are being held throughout the state to explain the new program to community leaders, school officials and students. Experience and expertise of municipal officials would be a tremendous asset to this effort. By working together, we can save lives.

My office will provide technical assistance and support materials, such as brochures and posters, as well as much deserved recognition to participating communities and schools. A major sponsor of the effort is the Coca-Cola Company, which also is co-sponsor of our statewide program to support designated drivers by giving them free soft drinks at many Illinois taverns and restaurants this year.

To be designated a "Safe Celebration Community" by the Secretary of State's office, local "Safe Celebration" campaigns must meet four simple requirements:

• Include total community involvement.
• Develop a committee structure to examine this issue.
• Actively promote alcohol and drug free activities for youth.
• Complete and submit an evaluation of the local campaign to this office.

The purpose of "Safe Celebration" is simple: save lives. Each year, drinking and driving takes the lives of countless young people. This trend must stop.

There is a misconception among youth that alcohol is cool, and that you have to drink to have fun. "Safe Celebration" is designed to get communities and parents involved in fighting underage drinking as well as to show youth that alcohol is not necessary for a good time.

"Safe Celebration" can succeed because it will work through community-based programs. We will not say from Springfield what might appeal to kids in western or eastern Illinois, but local officials, communities and schools are not alone in addressing this problem. I pledge that we will help develop a program that will work in each community. However, we need your support to help achieve our goal.

Any municipal official who needs additional information may write to the "Safe Celebration" Program, 2701 S. Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, IL 62723, or call 217/785-1444. •

April 1992 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 5

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