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One of FEMA's most popular training programs for local government officials is the Disaster Preparedness Seminar. More than 2,500 mayors, city and county managers and other officials with emergency management responsibilities have participated since the International City Management Association created the program in 1982.

The seminar provides the mayor or city/county manager with a basic knowledge of emergency management. It enables chief executives and their emergency program staffs to evaluate existing emergency management plans and programs in their own communities and to develop action plans to improve their disaster preparedness.

Each participating community must be represented by a minimum of two persons: the chief executive and his or her emergency program manager. Some communities also include their fire or police chief as part of the team. The seminar is offered at FEMA's Emergency Management Institute (EMI), in Emmitsburg, Maryland, approximately 80 miles northwest of Washington, D.C. and near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

There is no registration fee, and FEMA will reimburse participants' airline travel expense. Participants pay approximately $45 for meals at the training center, and dormitory rooms are provided at no cost. Bus transportation is provided to and from Washington National Airport.

Seminars begin on Sunday evening and end at noon on Wednesday. The FY 1993 schedule for the Disaster Preparedness Seminar is as follows:

October 26-28, 1992
December 1-4, 1992
March 8-10, 1993
April 19-21, 1993
July 12-14, 1993
September 27-29, 1993

We request that you advise your membership of this valuable training opportunity. Participation at each seminar is limited to 40 participants, and we frequently have waiting lists, so early application is advised. To apply, local officials should contact their State emergency management training officer and request FEMA Form 75-5. Applications must be submitted through the appropriate State emergency management office.

For more information call Mary Bare, EMI, at (301) 447-1166. •

Page 14 / Illinois Municipal Review / September 1992

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