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By THOMAS G. FITZSIMMONS, Executive Director

This article contains the action call placed to all municipalities in the February 5, 1993 Legislative Bulletin 93-3. Not all municipal officials receive that publication directly. However, everyone of you receive the magazine, and the necessary materials are at city hall to follow through. If the materials cannot be located call the League office immediately for another set. (217/525-1220).

On June 30 of this year, the temporary income tax surcharge dedicated to local governments will expire. That expiration will occur unless every municipal official rises to the challenge and joins forces to convince the Illinois General Assembly and Governor Edgar to support Illinois municipalities. The political truth is that without your steadfast support and diligent work, this necessary source of revenue will be gone forever. The now four-year-old revenue dedicated to municipalities has become more of a necessity than when it was first enacted. (Note: the Illinois Municipal League estimates your share to be $28.00 per capita.)

The number one priority of the Illinois Municipal League is the permanent extension of the income tax surcharge with the revenues dedicated to municipalities and counties. So, as members of the Municipal League (who approved a resolution at the 1992 Annual Conference), IT IS TIME TO BEGIN OUR MUTUAL EFFORTS!

First, the Governor has not officially given his position. This means that municipalities still have a chance to get their message to Governor Edgar. The Governor will give his Budget Address on March 3, 1993. It is very important that each and every municipality take time to contact the Governor.

Governor Edgar, in his September 16, 1989 address to the Illinois Municipal League membership, outlined his position on the income tax surcharge and state/local relationship. That portion of his speech has been reproduced below:

"But I want to share some thoughts with you today on an issue of great importance to you, the citizens of Illinois and to those who must lead our state in the 1990s.

The issue is the continuation of the modest income tax increase approved during the last session of the General Assembly.

Soon after the next Governor and the new General Assembly are sworn into office in 1991, they will decide whether to continue this tax.

You, as municipal leaders, and your constituents deserve to know where I and others who aspire for high office stand on that matter.

I have said for weeks now, and I will say it again this morning, that I favor continuing the income tax increase in order to preserve the gains we made this spring.

We cannot, and I will not, pull the rug out from education in this state.

If we really care about Illinois future, we cannot take away the $350 million for education that was provided by the tax increase.

I don't think the General Assembly and the next Governor are going to pull that rug out.

And I'm not going to be part of deceiving the people of Illinois even though it might be politically expedient to waffle on the continuation issue.

You in local governments also benefited from the increase with additional revenues to provide basic services that people in our communities want and deserve.

And if I become the next governor, you and your constituents will benefit from any continuation of that increase.

But it would be helpful to your cause and to us who are willing to take a positive stand on the issue — if you would apply part of your additional revenues from the income tax to property tax relief.

Some of you have done that already. And I applaud you for those efforts. I hope others will follow.

I also want you to know that I am sensitive to your needs.

And I want you to know that I am sensitive to the demands on your treasuries, not only for operating expenditures, but for vital capital projects as well.

This candidate envisions a new partnership between state government and local governments. And that new partnership will assure local governments a priority status when it comes to state assistance.

It also will mean that an Edgar administration will listen to you and respond to your needs on a whole host of issues."

This speech is indicative of why it is vital to contact the Governor and clearly explain the municipal position.

The Municipal League strongly encourages every member that receives this bulletin to immediately do the following:

1. Consider, debate, and pass the attached model resolution urging Governor Edgar to support the municipal portion of the temporary surcharge permanently. Then send it to the Governor with a copy to the Municipal League.

2. Contact your local media (the enclosed model press release can be used), ask to be interviewed, or meet with the editorial board of the newspaper. If all else fails, use the enclosed model letter to the editor.

3. Send a personalized letter to Governor Edgar at 207 State House, Springfield, IL 62706. The letter should be simple and straightforward (example enclosed) and include a copy of the resolution adopted by your municipality.

4. Talk with your State Senator and Representative about the income tax surcharge and the municipal use of the money.

5. Please fill out the survey and mail it to the Municipal League.

The first critical action must be to influence Governor Edgar. The Governor cannot ignore over one thousand municipalities throughout Illinois. If each and every one of you respond in the next two weeks with the five requests, it will set in motion a tremendous force for the permanent extension of the municipal and county surcharge.

While the Governor has been silent to date, it seems he may well call for an extension of the surcharge, but for schools and social programs. If not, the Governor could simply advocate the expiration of the tax which means municipal needs will not be addressed. That cannot happen ... it will not happen. . . if you take some time and follow through with the five steps outlined. Everything is right here for your use, and it will be easy to accomplish. Help the Municipal League and your municipality. Please send a copy of the adopted resolution and the letter you send to Governor Edgar to the Municipal League. Also, please send the League any press clippings that are in your local papers.


February 1993 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 7

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