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The Health Care Issue
Part of the Solution

by Mary Beth Thaman

"Park and recreation agencies are becoming a highly viable option for other health care providers. We are a logical outlet for programs and services offered by hospitals, doctors and other health fitness specialists. We must continue to foster these relationships within our community to enhance the quality of our fitness programs."

Health care costs have risen dramatically over the past 40 years, from $12 billion in 1950 to $600 billion in 1990. Rising medical claim costs, absenteeism, decreased productivity and increased workers compensation are costing companies huge sums of money as a result of unhealthy employee life-styles.

School systems continue to cut physical education programs, contributing even more to the unhealthy society. These educational programs have been the basis for children to develop skills and knowledge in making healthy life-style choices. Our aging society also reflects the poor health standards that were established throughout life. Health care is critically affecting the economic stability and quality of life of senior citizens.

Hospitals are burdened with unpaid health care bills. Corporate America is paying billions of dollars in employee insurance benefits. Elderly health care is bankrupting personal lifelong savings Schools are unable to support physical education programs. These major problems totally reflect the cost we, as a society, are paying for the unhealthy American.

The responsibility for improving personal health standards in America belongs to everyone—government, business and individuals. The focus of the health care issue also must be brought back to the basics — prevention. The unhealthy American burdening the system could be reduced if measures to provide preventative fitness and wellness programs are increased.

Park and recreation agencies capitalizing on this important issue secure a place in the community as a viable service for health prevention to their constituency. The Parks and Recreation Federation of Ontario recently published The Benefits of Parks and Recreation. In this study, specific research documentation was highlighted supporting the fact that physical fitness does improve individuals' health and well-being, affecting people personally, economically and socially.

Park and recreation agencies must even more aggressively supply fitness and wellness programs and facilities in their communities. The financial contribution that will be realized from individuals participating in these programs will be reflected even with the shrinking tax dollar.

Children engaged in a fitness program will develop life-style behavior patterns that will carry through to their adult years. Children benefiting from such a tremendous program will associate parks and recreation as the public service agency contributing to their health. We must provide alternative fitness programs for youth even when schools are dropping their physical fitness programs. An investment in children today will secure future support for parks and recreation agencies.

In addition, adults participating in a quality fitness experience will certainly reap the benefits through increased productivity, self-esteem and a stronger sense of personal well-being. Individuals participating in fitness and wellness programs through park and recreation agencies will become our strongest supporters for services even

Illinois Parks and Recreation 20 November/December 1993

during tough economic crises.

The contribution that park and recreation can have on individuals will affect health care concerns for business. Developing and maintaining strong preventative health programs in a community can produce a stronger and more productive work force, therefore increasing dollars for the local corporations.

Park and recreation agencies are represented in almost every community throughout the United States. We can provide the most direct preventative fitness and wellness programs for every person in all socio-economic strata.

Park and recreation agencies are becoming a highly viable option for other health care providers. We are a logical outlet for programs and services offered by hospitals, doctors and other health fitness specialists. We must continue to foster these relationships within our community to enhance the quality of our fitness programs.

Park and recreation agencies are the ultimate facilitators for health care prevention. We must continue to work with our school systems, senior citizen groups, associations and businesses to develop a community-wide health prevention program.

We must actively become part of the solution for the health care problem. The challenge is with us. The benefits will be to every person we reach.

About the Author
Mary Beth Thaman is the Superintendent of Recreation for the Schaumburg Park District. Her article first appeared in the May 1993 issue of Parks & Recreation.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 21 November/December 1993

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