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Illinois Parks & Recreation
May/June 1994 • Volume 25, Number 3

Summer Safety Precautions
by Laura J. Bedford

The skies are blue. The trees are green. The grass is plush. Birds are singing. Flowers are blooming. Summer is in the air in Illinois.

As we celebrate the coming of summer, the National Safety Council reminds us of precautions that should be taken to ensure a safe summer.

* If there's a storm with lightning, avoid metal objects, large trees and open areas. If swimming, get out of the water.
* Never swim alone.
* Don't dive into water if you don't know its depth.
* Wear a helmet while biking, motorcycling or skating.
* Wear a life jacket when on the water — whether fishing, boating or water skiing.
* Bring a fire extinguisher when camping out. Douse campfires and cooking areas with water when finished.
* Use a sunscreen lotion with a sun protection factor (SPF) that matches your skin type. The SPF indicates how long you can stay in the sun before buming. Apply the sunscreen about 30 minutes before you go out and again after you've been in the water.
* To avoid heat stress, take frequent breaks in the shade and drink plenty of non-alcoholic beverages during physical activities.
* Learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation — CPR — and teach all kids how to dial 9-1-1.

Have a fun, but safe, summer!



Kim Harris
photographed this
copper iris (or swamp
red iris), a state
threatened species,
using a Nikon 8008
camera, Tamron 180mm lens with
extension tube and
Fugi Velvia 50.

On the cover

4 * Illinois Parks & Recreation * May/June 1994

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