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Illinois Parks & Recreation
May/June 1994 • Volume 25, Number 3

Governor Edgar Presents Grant Checks
During Legislative Conference

Following his presentation at the IAPD Legislative Conference, Governor Jim Edgar, joined by IAPD Executive Director Ted Flickinger and Department of Conservation Director Brent Manning, distributed grant checks to seven park districts.


Bourbonnais Township Park District received a $200,000 bike path grant. The Park District, in cooperation with the Kankakee Metro Sanitary District and Village of Bradley, constructed a 3.9-mile bike path through the 170-acre Perry Farm site, then south along the Kankakee River through the sanitary treatment plant property to Helgeson Park in Bradley.


Buffalo Grove Park District received a $200,000 OSLAD grant for developing a 14-acre neighborhood/community park site, featuring basketball and tennis courts, a soccer-football field, baseball diamond, playground, picnic shelter, sand volleyball court and pathway system.


Decatur Park District received a $58,800 bike path grant for constructing a .9 mile bicycle path along the old interurban railway through Fairview Park.


Morton Grove Park District received a $198,000 OSLAD grant for developing a nature study area around the perimeter of the Morton Grove Prairie and adding new active-use recreation facilities to the Community Center. They also developed Oriole Park with a bike path and walkways, rest areas, sand volley-ball court, a basketball court, lighting for tennis courts and a picnic shelter.


North Berwyn Park District received a $45,100 OSLAD grant for renovating the 16th and Wesley Avenue playground (now known as Pyrce Park) and expanding the project to include the renovation of the area in front of the Community Center. Renovations included demolition and removal of old play structures, grading of site, planting, installation of new and accessible play equipment and furniture, construction of a play area, and installation of an irrigation system.


Skokie Park District received a $59,000 LWCF grant for providing new facilities at Emily Oaks Nature Center, which include a classroom shelter, amphitheater and pond viewing platform.


Streamwood Park District received a $200,000 LWCF grant for developing a 19-acre park site, including an accessible playground, gazebo and outdoor theater, lighted softball diamond, restroom/concession building, sand volleyball courts and a bike pathway.

16 * Illinois Parks & Recreation * May/June 1994

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