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The Times,
        They Are A-Changin'
by Karen Weis

Folk singer and songwriting legend Bob Dylan performed much more than just a concert appearance when he visited Rockford in April... he contributed $20,000 toward a new accessible community playground.

An article in a Rockford newspaper describing the extraordinary efforts of parent volunteers attempting to raise money for the playground caught Dylan's attention while in town on April 12.

After five years of fundraising, the Parent Teacher Organization still lacked considerable dollars for creating an accessible playground for the 141 students with disabilities who attend Page Park School as an extension of their therapy; a place to enhance strength and coordination, speaking and social skills. They had managed to raise $3,000, but found themselves a considerable distance from their $55,000 goal.

Within a week. Bob Dylan had a $20,000 check delivered to the Rockford Park District via Federal Express.

Bob Dylan
Singer/songwriter Bob Dylan
donated $20,000 toward a new
accessible community playground
in Rockford. His generosity
ignited a flurry of public support.

Accessible Playground
 An artist's rendition of the accessible
 playground planned/or Page Park

After hearing about Dylan's contribution, FM rock stationWXRX's popular air personality Skye Drysdale challenged his 12,000 listeners to close the gap by contributing at least a dollar per person toward the playground. The public response was immediate and overwhelming. With donations of $2, $3, $5, $10 and $25 cash and checks pouring in, Drysdale's personal connection to championing this cause came from the example of his father, a minister, who volunteered his time and talents to work with people with disabilities.

The Rockford Park District also received several private donations from philanthropic citizens ranging from $500 to $5,000 toward this project. An elementary school sent $692, half of it in coins. A church youth group earned $100 washing cars. Union trades and service organizations also pledged financial support.

The groundbreaking for the school playground was June 22, and construction is expected to be completed by this fall.

The grand total received so far is $61,671, enough to buy special equipment and surface the playground to meet the accessibility needs of the children. For Kirn Marchione, a Page Park student's mother, and 140 other families, it's a dream come true. "It's so wonderful, we can't believe it," Marchione said. "We just cannot believe it."

Never in the history of performers visiting Rockford has an individual or group contributed so much to this community. Bob Dylan proved to be much more than a rolling stone to Rockford.

Karen Weis is the Manager of Marketing Services for the Rockford Park District. *

Illinois Parks & Recreation* September/October 1994* 27

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