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Library Inservice Day: A Boon or a Bust?

Mary Nelson

Do your staff members think that Inservice Day is boring and dull? Do they believe that it is a day of pay but a waste of time? Are you missing the chance to provide information, education and interaction for your staff?

If you answered yes to any of the questions, you may be interested in an Inservice Day held recently at the Oak Lawn Public Library—a day that got rave reviews from the staff. Oak Lawn Public Library is a large suburban library with a staff of 95-100 people. Obviously, the inservice day plan depicted here is more than small libraries need or would undertake; however, the number of "breakout sessions" could be scaled down and still provide variety and opportunity for smaller library staffs.

The staff inservice committee, comprised of representatives from all of the library departments, weighed the questions stated above when it met in April to plan an August Inservice Day. At the Oak Lawn Public Library attendance at inservice is mandatory—full-time, part-time, ages from 16 to 70+, public service desk or behind the scenes—everyone is expected to be there. Based on evaluations from the previous year, the committee recognized that it needed to do something about meeting the needs of the staff. The wide range of ages, interests and duties became apparent as programs were discussed. For as long as the committee could remember. Inservice Day included a morning speaker, lunch and an afternoon speaker or discussion of a library topic, emergency procedures or department meetings.

Based on a suggestion from the committee chair, the group discussed and agreed to implement "breakout sessions" as a new format. Members of the committee polled fellow workers in their areas for an update on topics and subjects of interest or concern.

From their reports and the suggestions made on the previous year's Inservice Day evaluations, a list was established. Eight topics surfaced as being the most requested. They were health and fitness, personal safety, information about the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), information about village government happenings, features of the library's telephone system, tornado and fire emergencies, harassment in the work place and the Family Medical Leave Act.

The committee decided to get resource speakers for four topics in the morning program and four in the afternoon with speakers agreeing to repeat their presentations three times. The schedule provided for three, 50-minute "breakout sessions." This provided staff members with an opportunity to pick and attend three of the four topics. In the afternoon program, an option was set up for a department meeting in place of the final breakout session. Two department heads had indicated a need for this option.

With this ambitious agenda, members of the committee volunteered to pick up responsibilities including finding eight resource people, taking care of food and supplies for coffee breaks and lunch, duplicating schedules, developing an appropriate evaluation sheet, arranging for rooms and set ups for the resource speakers and advising the staff about the new format and the topics from which they could choose.

The chair agreed to get the resource people and generally coordinate all of the planning. Following the original meeting, two additional committee meetings were held. The final meeting was three days before the event to make certain that everything was in place and under control.

For those who are interested in trying this type of program, here are a few tips.

The committee should be representative of the departments and the various work levels.

• It should meet to begin planning three months or more before the Inservice Day date.

Finding resource people should be undertaken by a committee member who is familiar with the community. (Many resource people will serve pro bono for this type of activity.)


Develop a "fun" activity to be held at lunch time.

• Inform the resource people and the staff that you are counting on them to maintain the schedule.

• Arrange the rooms or areas for the resource people far enough apart so that they do not compete with one another when making their presentation. (Also, this is an opportunity for staff to move around between sessions.)

• As a follow up, be sure to send letters of appreciation to all the resource people and to the Inservice Day committee (You never could have done it alone.)

Inservice Day was held August 19, 1994. It was such a success that the committee volunteered to serve for another year.

For your information, sample copies of the agenda, schedule, evaluation form, and evaluation summary are attached.



Opening meeting

9a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Coffee and rolls (Friends of the Oak Lawn Library) Program info and introductions

Morning sessions

9:30 a.m. -10:20 a.m. 10:30 a.m. -11:20 a.m. 11:30 a.m. -12:20 a.m.

Sessions offered (Staff can pick three)

__ Health and Fitness (Jeanne Tucker, OL Park Dist.)
__ Personal Safety (Jo Johnson, representative. Citizens Against Crime, 18 years of age or up/Available first two sessions only)

__ Village Report (Joe Faber; Oak Lawn Village Manager)
__ Library Telephone System: Using All Features (Peter Almeroth; Sound, Inc.)

12:30 p.m. -1:30 p.m.
(Baby photo ID contest sponsored by Staff Association)
(Staff Association election)

Afternoon sessions
1:30 p.m. - 2:20 p.m.
2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
3:30 p.m. - 4:20 p.m. (Optional for department meetings) Sessions offered

(Staff can attend three or pick two with the last afternoon session used by a department head as an optional

time for a department meeting or "housekeeping" time).

___ Representative from IMRF (Jerry Taylor)

___ Tornado/Fire Emergencies (Pat Kelly, OL Fire Dept.)

___ Harassment in the Workplace (Atty. Keri-Lyn J. Krafthefer; Odelson & Sterk, Ltd.)

__ Family Medical Leave Act (Paul Alberts; Payan Alberts & Thompson)


4:30 p.m. Wrap up and evaluations

Coffee and soda available during the day. Mary Nelson/August 15, 1994




Morning Breakout Sessions

Health and Fitness ............ Meeting room B/lower level

Personal Safety ............... SLS space/lower level

(Available first two sessions only)

Village Report ................ AV - Periodicals reading area/floor 1

Library Telephones ........... TV - Reference area/floor 2

Afternoon Breakout Sessions

IMRF Representative .......... SLS Space/lower level

Fire/Tornado Emergency ...... AV - Periodicals reading area/floor 1

Harassment/Workplace ........ Meeting room B/lower level

(Available last two sessions only)

Family Medical Leave ......... TV - Reference area/floor 2



Oak Lawn Public Library

Staff Inservice Day August 19, 1994


Please complete this form before you leave today. Your comments and suggestions are important to this year's Inservice committee and to those who will be planning future inservice programs.

1. Did you like the overall program today? ___ Yes ——— No

2. Was it what you expected? ——— Yes ——— No

3. Did you like the program format? . ___ Yes ——— No

4. Which segment(s) of the program did you think was (were) most valuable? ___ Health and Fitness ___ IMRF ___ Personal Safety ___ Tornado/Fire Emergencies ___ Village Report ___ Workplace Harassment ___ Telephone System ___ Family Medical Leave Act ___ Staff Assoc. Business ___ Department Meetings

5. Do you have suggestions for future inservice programs?

6. Comments relating to this program or inservice programs in general:

7. Would you be willing to serve on the next Inservice Committee? If so, please fill in your name and department or give your name to a committee member.

Committee members: Vada Szurgot, Evelyn Kanost, Jayme Akin, Shari Schiffman, Michelle Glatt, Rocci Padula, Beverly Buciak, and Mary Nelson (Chair)

Signature (Optional):



Attendance: Approximately 80 Evaluations returned: 49



Please complete this form before you leave today. Your comments and suggestions are very important to this year's Inservice Committee and to those who will be planning future inservice programs.

1. Did you like the program today? 48—Yes 1—No

2. Was it what you expected? 39—Yes 2—No 4—Better

3. Did you like the program format? 48—Yes 1—No

4. Which segment(s) of the program did you think was (were) most valuable?

19—Health and Fitness (Jeanne Tucker, OL Park Dist.) 32—Personal Safety (Citizens Against Crime representative; 18 years of age or up/Available first two sessions only)

21—Village Report (Joe Faber; Oak Lawn Village Manager) 10—Library Telephone System: Using All Features (Peter Almeroth; Sound, Inc.) 17—Representative from IMRF (Jerry Taylor) 19—Tornado/Fire Emergencies (Pat Kelly, OL Fire Dept.) 19—Harassment in the Workplace (Atty. Keri-Lyn J. Krafthefer; Odelson & Sterk, Ltd.)

4—Family Medical Leave Act (Paul Alberts; Payan Alberts & Thompson)

2—Staff Association Business

8—Department Meetings

5. Do you have suggestions for future programs?


How to talk to deaf persons

Raw vegetable tray

Sometime during day (maybe first meeting), general staff meeting to answer staff members concerns— maybe writing down and submitting questions in advance. Sometime for library news/updates (if even repeat for some people).

Can we have someone from Oak Lawn Family Services to explain their function and services? LAN, Internet

I thought the baby photo contest was fun! No, it was perfect! It would be hard to top this one. Possibly more segments More options Sorry, no Folders to hold papers (with pen provided). Address fire/tornado emergencies again next year Representatives for library equipment (per telephone today) to answer questions. Instruction in CRP, etc. I'm always interested in computers. I'd like some training in Wordperfect and Windows—BUT not novice level—This would have to be leveled program. At one inservice which I couldn't attend, a tour of the building was given—like the sub-basement, etc. It would be nice to see such things. More inhouse training sessions (computers . . . ) Time to learn things there is just not time enough for during regular hours. Something about gang awareness


Workplace health and safety—sick building syndrome, etc. Payroll issues

Another program related to health, safety and current topics. Topic on women and financial planning or finances

6. Comments relating to this program or inservice programs in general.

The donuts were great, ice cream appreciated.

I thought the programs were well prepared.

Very good

I liked the choice format and the variety of concerns addressed. It enabled people to focus on topics of most value and interest to them.

This was better than many I have attended in the past.

Great Format! Can we do something besides sandwich fixings next time? More substantial programs were in the afternoon—some of us had to miss one because of department meetings. Should we have second inservice day during the year—morning programs and afternoon department meetings and activities?

Can we do something else for lunch besides meat/cheese trays?

Thought the break away sessions were very good as a format.

Why are some staff allowed to take vacation days (or a vacation day) on staff in-service day? If this day falls within a sequence of days (a week or two) I think that's permissable. But I resent the fact that several staff members were allowed to skip this day.

Think the afternoon sessions were a little "heavy." I would have preferred these sessions in the mornings. Need to consider we've been sitting all day and then eating. Would like lighter more interactive sessions in the afternoon.

Format was great—I liked having a choice.

Great as usual!

Nicely planned and very informative. The day flew by. Presentations were excellent.

Having several topics was very good. A good job, Mary, and a good job by the whole committee.

Best format for inservice day by individual meeting like these since I first started here.

I valued having a choice in what meetings I should attend. Good day.

I loved this format on choosing programs. I liked having a variety of programs to choose from.

Good program.

I attended 5 programs today. Some were great; some were OK; none were poor. That's a fantastic rating— a job very well done.

Very well done. Format may be difficult to repeat on an annual basis.

It was great. Security fantastic. Fitness important. Harassment speaker talked in legalese.

I thought this was versatile and interesting. I liked being able to move around and didn't have to stay in one place too long.

I attended programs checked above. The least helpful was workplace harassment—didn't like presentation. She seemed unprepared and unrehearsed. BUT she was much better in Q and A situation.

The choice of programs was a good idea. The topics also provided valuable information.

I like the idea of separate sessions at different times of the day. It makes the day busy and stimulating. Useful and valuable topics.

Excellent speakers who were knowledgeable and able to communicate with us.

Good job.

Excellent program. The speakers were informed and interesting. The pick and choose format I really liked. Lunch very good.

Title of Harassment in Workplace misleading. I think people were expecting all types relating to co-workers and patrons, not just sexual harassment.

7. Would you be willing to serve on the next Inservice Committee?


Committee members: Vada Szurgot, Evelyn Kanost, Jayme Akin, Shari Schiffman, Rocci Padula, Beverly Baciak, Michelle Glatt, Mary Nelson.

NM 8/22/94

*Mary Nelson, Public Relations and Development Officer, Oak Lawn Public Library.


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