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Strategies And Techniques For Turning
Campaign Promises Into Effective Governing

"The Practice of Political Leadership: Turning Campaign Promises into Effective Governing," is a special two-day leadership lab designed by the National League of Cities to help newly elected officials learn their way as public office holders in their communities.

Sponsored by NLC's Leadership Training Institute, the program will be offered in St. Louis, Missouri, October 16-17. The training sessions will feature nationally recognized experts who will describe successful techniques in local leadership for recently elected officials.

Succeeding as a new mayor or council member in the 1990s takes more than just commitment. It takes a set of skills and perspectives that can propel local leaders beyond governing as usual. It takes building new hopes and partnerships within communities while breaking through barriers between people and ideas.

These seminars will cover such topics as: changing political and social dynamics affecting council members and mayors; ways to build new partnerships with the community; steps for translating goals into action; bold methods for strengthening influence and credibility; and communication styles that enhance your capacity as a political leader. Participants will be given workbooks, practical exercises, case studies and worksheets they can apply to programs and services within their communities.

For additional information call 202/626-3170.

Page 22 / Illinois Municipal Review / August 1995

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