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As I sit down to write this, with summer coming to an end and fall starting to nip at one's heels, I find myself reflecting on what has happened since I became Executive Director on January 1, 1995.

First and foremost was a most successful legislative session for Illinois municipalities. High on the success list was the increase in the municipal share of the income tax from 1/11th to 1/10th. Hopefully, each and everyone of you communicated with your legislator to maintain the existing statutory provision that provided the increase to 1/10th. As an addendum to that contract, if you have not yet expressed your appreciation to your legislator in supporting you, I would urge you to do so.

Another bill of great importance was House Bill 661. HB 661 was a major League initiative concerning unfunded state mandates. The bill was sponsored in the House by Representatives Balthis-Zickus-Wojcik-Zabrocki-Wennlund and in the Senate by Senators Klemm-Parker-Jacobs. The bill was overwhelmingly approved by both chambers and signed by Governor Edgar on August 11,1995, becoming Public Act 89-3041. HB 661 provides that if the General Assembly approves legislation that becomes a law with no funding, a unit of local government may file a request for mandate determination with the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs. If the law is determined to be an unfunded mandate and no funds have been appropriated by the state, the local government does not have to comply with the law.

Training, education and information are areas where the League has expanded services. So far in 1995, 9 different conference/seminars have been held with outstanding attendance by officials throughout the state. The 82nd IML Annual Conference, which hopefully you'll be attending shortly (September 28 - October 1, 1995) in Chicago is bursting at the seams; both in program sessions and registrations.

In looking to the future, at the 82nd Annual Conference the League will be embarking on an endeavor that is of utmost importance to municipalities, all other units of local government and most importantly, the citizens of Illinois; the passage by the General Assembly of a Constitutional Amendment regarding the imposition of state mandates on local government for placement on the ballot in the 1996 general election. The Board of Directors of the League has identified the Constitutional Amendment as the number one priority to assure fiscally sound, functional and responsible local government.

Mandates from the federal government have often been, though not always, the cause of numerous abuses both fiscally and programmatically on state and local government. The tendency of the state to mimic the federal government in imposing mandates on local government has, in many instances, led to additional abuse. It is time that the citizens, who expressed their desire in a 1994 advisory referendum, have a Constitutional Amendment on Local Government Mandates upon which to vote.

As stated by Janet M. Kelly in a article in the National Civic Review "Unfunded mandates may be, but are not necessarily, irresponsible legislative behavior."2 As Ms. Kelly further states: "Mandates are irresponsible when no statewide need exists to compel the mandate. . . . When the desire for mandating is driven by some narrow interest or constituency, and when legislators can satisfy that interest while protecting the state budget from the cost, mandates constitute bad governance."

Mandates are increasingly leading to short-sighted efforts to relieve the resulting tax on citizens. Legislation such as tax caps and assessment freezes increasingly stress local budgets and do not address root causes.

The passage by the General Assembly and the inclusion on the November, 1996 ballot of an Unfunded Local Government Mandates Constitutional Amendment will require the dedication, time and effort of all of us: state legislators and officers, local officials, public and private organizations and citizens. By working together, we can assure that responsible and affordable government is a goal that is attainable through a Constitutional Amendment restricting unwarranted and costly mandates on local government.

1. The signing of IIB 661 took place the day before Local Officials Day at the Illinois State Fair. This month's Review cover was taken shortly after IML President Hay J. Forney, Ashton and IML Executive Director Ken Alderson had thanked Governor Edgar for his signing ff HB 661 while all were attending Local Officials Day. All were in a happy and smiling mood!

2. LESSONS FROM HIE STATES ON UNFUNDED MAN DATES, Janet M. Kelly, National Civic Review. Spring 1995.

September 1995 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 5

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