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Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley and DeKalb Mayor Greg Sparrow respond to questions at unfunded mandates press conference


There was truly something for everyone at the 82nd Illinois Municipal League Conference. Over 3,000 municipal officials and spouses attended the Conference held September 28 - October 1 in Chicago. More than 100 exhibitors also participated in the conference to highlight their products or services.

Thirty-six program topics were presented at the 1995 Conference, again offering something for everyone. Issues addressed ranged from Council Practice and Procedures to Property Tax Caps, Current Issues in Public Safety, and Privatization of Municipal Services. From the opening programs on Thursday through the annual business meeting on Sunday, unfunded mandates was on the minds of many speakers and attendees.

Friday morning's General Session offered an experienced array of state and local officials — Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley. Lt. Governor Bob Kustra, State Comptroller Loleta Didrickson and DeKalb Mayor and IML 1st Vice President Greg Sparrow.

Immediately following the General Session, the Illinois City Management Association sponsored a very well attended "Leadership for Intergovernmental Collaboration" luncheon featuring William H. Hudnut, President of the Civic Federation and former Mayor of Indianapolis and former Indiana Congressman.

In conjunction with the Annual Conference, several municipal associations met and held individual sessions. Participants were the Illinois Municipal Treasurer's Association, the Municipal Clerks of Illinois, the Illinois State and Fire Commissioners and the Municipal Attorneys.

Sunday's General Session and Annual Business Meeting featured addresses by Carolyn Long Banks, Councilwoman at Large, Atlanta, Georgia, and President of the National League of Cities; and Brent Coles, Mayor of Boise, Idaho. The Business Meeting also provided the passing of the gavel from IML President Ray J. Forney to new IML President Greg Sparrow.

The Conference was not all work and no play. Thursday evening's Get Acquainted Reception let attendees maintain old friendships or create new ones. Saturday's President's Reception was a popular event followed by the Annual Banquet, with musical entertainment provided by "Spectrum," a show band with a wide ranging playlist from the 40's to present day.

Unfunded Mandates

Unfunded mandates took center stage at the Conference. At Thursday afternoon's program "Unfunded Mandates," a new study, "The Burden of Unfunded Mandates," was distributed. The study, conducted by Governor's State University, the Illinois Municipal League, and the City of Chicago, documented the increasingly high costs unfunded state mandates place on Illinois cities.

On Friday morning, following a U.S. Conference of Mayors breakfast, over 100 mayors participated in a news conference calling for placing an Unfunded Mandates Constitutional Amendment on the November 1996 ballot.

November 1995 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 17

Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley told the crowd that "such an amendment could free local governments to do what is right — to follow the will of the people."

DeKalb Mayor Creg Sparrow called the passage of a Constitutional Amendment on unfunded mandates "the top priority of the Illinois Municipal League for 1996."

General Session

Unfunded mandates was a common thread for General Session speakers as well. After President Ray Forney gaveled the Session to order, Chicago Mayor Daley set the tone. "We all wonder how we'll pay for anything in the future — law enforcement, infrastructure, anything — if we do not curtail federal and state unfunded mandates."

DeKalb Mayor Sparrow outlined the IML effort to place a Constitutional Amendment on the ballot. "This is a good governance issue," he said. "Unfunded mandates affect our citizens where they live — their pocket-books, family, health, crime or jobs. It is our responsibility as local officials to look after their welfare.

"Passing a constitutional amendment is a difficult challenge," he continued. "As Chairman of the Unfunded Mandates Task Force, I want to assure you we seek the support, cooperation and involvement of as many individuals, associations and groups as possible. Through passage of the constitutional amendment we hope to provide a better state/local relationship for responsible government," he said.

Lt. Governor Bob Kustra showed support for the amendment. "I suppose the best way to [handle unfunded mandates] is to clarify it through the Constitution," he explained. "So I bid you well, and I certainly dedicate my office to that endeavor as well as you move on down the path."

State Comptroller Loleta Didrickson, after outlining ways her office assists local governments, also addressed the issue of unfunded mandates.

"An [unfunded mandates] amendment to the Constitution should address partnership in the name of good governance, administered in a format consistent with what is in the best interest of all parties," she stated. "This, we hope, will bring a resolution we can all agree on."

Association Sessions

On Saturday, statewide municipal associations presented programs for their members. The Illinois Municipal Treasurer's Association featured addresses by Illinois State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, Comptroller Loleta Didrickson and Dr. Paul Green, Director of Public Policy and Administration at Governors State University.

Also at the Treasurer's Session, Peoria City Treasurer Mary Ulrich was honored for receiving the Jackson Phillips Award, the highest award bestowed by the Municipal Treasurer's Association of the United States and Canada.

The Municipal Clerks of Illinois featured addresses by Chicago City Clerk James Laski and Dr. John R. Powers, author, humorist and motivational speakers who kept the crowd thoroughly entertained.

The Illinois Fire and Police Commissioners Association presented a detailed review of revising rules and regulations of their association board.

At the day-long Municipal Attorneys Session, a number of topics were presented including Tax Increment Financing, Sexual Harassment and Recent Developments in Election Law.

Annual Business Meeting

On Sunday, Carolyn Long Banks, President of the National League of Cities, spoke on the dangers of the increasing federal deficit.

"Right now, the federal government is nearly $4.9 trillion in debt and writing new IOUs at a rate of $9,600 per second," she emphasized.

"Real change and real deficit reduction will require difficult choices, but those choices will make all the difference for our future," she said.

Boise, Idaho Mayor Brent Coles discussed the Unfunded Mandates Relief Act of 1995, a measure introduced by U.S. Senator Dirk Kempthorne, the previous mayor of Boise.

"This new law returns us to a federal/state/local relationship based on increased cooperation and a partnership among equals," he said.

Mayor Coles also recognized Illinois Senator Carol Moseley-Braun, one of the first persons to co-sponsor the federal legislation and Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley who was "front and center" on unfunded mandates legislation, and was at the signing ceremony in Rae Garden.

At the election of officers. President Forney passed the gavel to new IML President Greg Sparrow. Mayor Frank L. Clinton of Paris was elected First Vice President and Murphysboro Mayor David L. McDowell was elected Sergeant-at-Arms.

State Comptroller Loleta Didrickson visits her booth in the Exhibit Hall

IML Board of Directors meeting

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