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Illinois Parks & Recreation
May/June 1995 • Volume 26, Number 3

The Final Note
by Laura J. Richter

It is with much sadness that I write this final editor's note for Illinois Parks & Recreation. My husband's career has taken him to St. Louis, and I plan to join him later this month. Though I may be physically leaving the Illinois Association of Park Districts, please know that I will be with all of you in mind and spirit. In fact, I plan to return to Springfield for a visit during Park District Conservation Day, August 19, at the Illinois State Fair.

I know that I will take with me many wonderful memories made possible by the members and staff of IAPD and IPRA. One of my greatest accomplishments has been as editor of this magazine. I have seen Illinois Parks and Recreation evolve from a quality publication to one of excellence, this year being recognized by the Illinois Society of Association Executives as the best membership periodical in the state. I'm pleased to report that this proud tradition will continue with Ann Londrigan named as your new editor.

Many factors have contributed to the success of Illinois Parks and Recreation. The magazine's content has improved and expanded due to establishing an editorial calendar and receiving countless articles submitted by volunteers. A new format, with the aid of an ambitious advertising representative, has drawn more advertisers. An aggressive subscription marketing campaign has attracted readers from outside the park and recreation field. Without a doubt, the most valuable contribution has been the support and encouragement extended to me by the Joint Publications Committee and the associations' leaders and staff.

Unfortunately, there are far too many people to list in this brief article, so let me simply say thanks to all of you.

This photo of Sweeny's Woods located in northern Highland Park was taken in the late 1920s by former Highland Park naturalist Jesse Lowe Smith. Originally in black and white, this scene was hand colored by a Chicago studio and recently appeared on the cover of the Park District of Highland Park's seasonal brochure. Jesse Lowe Smith's story appears on pp. 32-33.

4 ¦ Illinois Parks & Recreation* May/June 1995

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