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Illinois Parks & Recreation
May/June 1995 • Volume 26, Number 3

Timeless Messages for Telling the Park District and Forest Preserve Story

A kid can't run his toes through concrete.

Little by little. they're gobbling up our land.

The only nature she knows

You don't have to be rich to won a park .

The Illinois Association of Park Districts recently released a series of five posters that feature timeless messages about the benefits of open spaces, public parks and recreational opportunities. These posters are tools to help you tell the park district and forest preserve story at the local level, where the impact is greatest.
• How park districts and forest preserves benefit the economic vitality of our communities through tourism and increased property values.
• Why it is so important to preserve open spaces for future generations.
• How people of all ages benefit from an improved quality of life as a result of our nationally recognized park districts, forest preserves and recreation agencies in Illinois.

How can you use these "Timeless Messages" in your local community?
• Reproduce them in your agency brochures and publications.
• Enlarge the posters for use throughout your facilities and parks during July Is Recreation & Parks Month.
• Create slides from the posters for exposure on your local cable access channel.
• Join forces with neighboring agencies to buy an ad in a local newspaper.
• For smaller markets, try persuading your local newspaper to print the messages as public service announcements.
• Tailor the message with your agency's logo and slogan.

Illinois park districts and forest preserves are the nationwide leaders in the delivery of public park and recreation services: leaders in the health, wellness and fitness movement; leaders in the social and economic vitality of our communities; leaders in the preservation of our natural resources; and, leaders in providing the highest quality of life for all people in Illinois.

You don't have to be rich to own a park. You just need to support the programs of your local park district and forest preserve. And to get that support, we must tell our story.

The camera-ready posters are sold in sets (one copy of all five 8 1/2 x 11" posters) for $20 plus postage. To order or for more information, call the Illinois Association of Park Districts at (217) 523-4554.

50* Illinois Parks & Recreation* May/June 1995

The only nature she knows

When a little girl hasn't seen anything better, she can only love what she sees.

Land—the good green land that should go for parks, playgrounds and recreation— is being gobbled up at a frightening rate.

Be just a little afraid for the future of your children and their children, and you'll support the programs of your local park district and forest preserve.

A park near every neighborhood. It's not too much to ask. But unless you ask, the good green land won't be there much longer.

Your local park district and forest preserve are prepared to help, if you're prepared to help.


51 | Illinois Parks & Recreation | May/June 1996

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