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Ed Wojcicki

Our readers back 'motor voter' by overwhelming 5-1 margin

by Ed Wojcicki

By an overwhelming 5-1 margin, the readers who responded to our March Question of the Month said Illinois should implement the spirit of the National Voter Registration Act and make it easier for Illinoisans to register to vote in state elections at the same place they receive their driver's licenses.

We received more than 130 responses to this question.

Currently, would-be voters must register separately for federal elections and state elections; local election officials were required to prepare two sets of ballots in the last primary.

"I'm seeing the confusion in my office as we get ready for the [March] primary," wrote Janet Rutledge of Monmouth, who is the Warren County clerk. "The added cost for supplying different booths, machines and ballots is going to make this the most expensive election I have had in my three terms."

Most readers said it's just common sense to make it as easy as possible for citizens to register to vote. But those who oppose implementation in Illinois cited concerns about fraud and caving in to an unfunded federal mandate. A couple of readers suggested that if it becomes too easy to register, more citizens would cast votes without being adequately informed.

But a Chicago state representative said voter turnout is so low that Illinois should implement motor-voter for state and local elections and enact same-day registration and an open primary. And several readers expressed embarrassment that Illinois' refusal to implement the law puts our state in company with Mississippi, which a Freeport reader said is "not noted for living in the 20th century in terms of public policy."

Illinois Issues May 1996 ¦ 3

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