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by Ed Wojcicki
'Tis the season for campaigns and those negative ads and fliers
by Ed Wojcicki

You may recall that back in April I asked for your help. I asked you to be on the lookout for the negative ads that inevitably pop up during every campaign season. And I asked you to send me copies of these ads — especially the direct-mail pieces that arrive in the homes of people in the competitive legislative races targeted by Democratic and Republican legislative leaders.

I received quite a few responses, but I'd appreciate more. As you prepare for next month's election and those direct-mail pieces continue to arrive, please send me copies so I can accumulate as many negative ads and fliers as possible. Many of these resort to untruths and distortions of opponents' positions, and this kind of deception deserves to be exposed.

I'm interested in the negative ads and fliers because most people say they hate them, and most candidates promise not to initiate a public slamming of their opponents. So why does it happen? Obviously, to help produce victories at the polls.

But I'm concerned that the negativity has another effect: It makes an electorate that is already suspicious of its government more outraged about the declining quality of public discourse in our state and in the rest of the country.

So help me gather evidence, please. Send copies of all things negative to me at this address: Illinois Issues, University of Illinois at Springfield, Springfield, IL 62794.

Thanks again for your help.

Our August edition proved to be a big hit. It included many articles about the importance of Illinois as a convention state, and noted that Chicago has hosted more nominating conventions than any other city.

We sent 5,000 copies for distribution to media covering the Democratic National Convention in Chicago's United Center. An additional 180 copies were sent to the Democratic Party of Illinois for distribution in Chicago, and another 150 made their way to San Diego for the Illinois delegates to the Republican National Convention.

On top of that, a private club in Chicago made a special request for 135 copies, because the USA Today staff and the Delaware delegates were staying there during the convention.

Also, a political science class at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn asked for 30 copies. Yet another 30 were distributed at the University of Illinois at Springfield Alumni Conference on our own campus.

It's a good feeling to get this kind of attention. Our editorial staff deserves a lot of credit for planning such an outstanding issue. That it was well-received is the best reaction we could hope for. 

Illinois Issues October 1996 / 3

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