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This issue of Illinois Libraries contains the largest number and widest variety of articles since the journal evolved two years ago from a thematic approach to a general interest journal. Many thanks are extended to the contributors to this issue.

The intent of Illinois Libraries is to include articles of interest to our readers with various affiliations in the Illinois library community. Jack Hick's article on puppetry is appealing to diverse audiences beyond youth services staff members in public libraries. Puppetry is an enduring craft, and the article brings back memories many of us share of puppet programs we have enjoyed. Not only is the detailed report of a successful puppetry program very helpful to librarians who are thinking about starting or resuming a puppetry program, but it also effectively describes the positive effects that the program has had on thousands of young lives.

Other articles in this issue range from implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act in Illinois libraries to technology, funding and construction topics. As always, your contributions to future issues are encouraged.

Kathleen L. Bloomberg Editor, Illinois Libraries


Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library