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Dear Municipal Official:


In July, the Illinois Municipal League Board of Directors decided to continue our mutual effort: stopping unfunded state mandates. Specifically, the Board adopted a plan which begins with the election to the Statehouse in November of 1996. The Board directed IML staff to work on an informational book that can assist local elected officials to make unfunded state mandates an issue for the 1996 elections, specifically to work with local races for the Senate and House to get commitments from candidates to support legislation and a constitutional amendment directed at stopping mandates.

The informational book was mailed on September 6, 1996 to mayors, aldermen, trustees, managers, clerks, treasurers, and finance officers. If you did not receive a copy of the book and would like to work on the election 96 issue, please call the Illinois Municipal League. The book is very easy to use and contains most of the material to complete the effort. Please take some time and review the book and reach out to the Statehouse candidates.

The ability to elect candidates committed to stopping unfunded state mandates is in your hands. Please take some time now. It will make a difference. •

September 1996 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 5

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