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Illinois Athletes Triumph at 1996 Paralympic Games

On August 15 the Olympic flame reignited for opening ceremonies of the 1996 Paralympic Games, where more than 3,500 elite athletes with physical disabilities—representing 110 nations—competed in more than 700 events.

Many Illinois athletes were among the competitors representing Team USA. Pictured here are Illinois athletes from the Virginia Wadsworth Wirtz Sports Program at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC), the largest freestanding rehabilitation facility in the country. (For more on the Paralympic Games, see the July/August issue of Illinois Parks & Recreation magazine.) 

Illinois Athletes Top left: Track athlete Linda Mastandrea (Elmhurst, IL) wins gold. Second photo: Kathleen Winter and Ella Chaffee (members of RIC) take part in opening ceremonies with members of Team USA. Middle: Stephanie Brooks, age 15 (Algonquin, IL), swims the 4x50 freestyle relay and helps capture a bronze medal for her teammates. Bottom left: Sheila O'Neal (Libertyville) signs autographs at the track between races. Bottom right: Hope Lewellen (Palos Park) competes in tennis finals.

Photography by Jeff Jones, director, and Tom Richey, assistant sports coordinator, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Center for Health and Fitness.

46 * Illinois Parks & Recreation * November/December 1996

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