
14---"Pate"In the battle for a personal legacy, the veteran political warrior's toughest foe may be the future itself.
by by Rick Pearson

18---Full circleCritics worry that we're returning to a time when the mentally ill were kept out of sight and out of mind.
by Jennifer Davis

21---Smokeless in Pleasant PlainsWhile the states and Congress debate curbs on the tobacco companies, some Illinois communities are already moving to stub out smoking.
by Frank Vinluan

24---Can they strike a deal?A proposal to deregulate the state's power companies lies coiled right in the middle of the fall legislative agenda.
by Anthony Man

27---Bread and circusesOctober is a great month to be a professional sports fan. But do we want to pay for the places athletes play in?
by Rodd Whelpley

Credits! The watercolor of James "Pate" Philip on this month's cover was done by Stan Adams from a photograph by Terry Farmer.

3---A Conversation With Our Readers
by Ed wojcicki

4---Editor's Notebook
by Peggy Boyer Long

6---State of the State
by Jennifer Davis Lessons from the spring session

by Donald Sevener

30---Photo essay on baseball
by Jon Randolph


by Jennifer Davis


37---A View From Metro East
by Patrick E. Gauen
Costello's chalengers

by Charles N. Wheeler III
The State needs a rainy day fund