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Guiding Principles for Illinois Libraries

Illinois State Library

Libraries are in transition from being only place bound warehouses of library materials to also serving as facilitators of access to information, without regard to location. Shared principles which will guide the continued growth and development of Illinois library service through this time of rapid and profound change are as follows;

Libraries and reading:

An important role for the library continues to be stimulating children to become lifelong learners and lovers of books and reading. Librarians need to encouage people of all ages to enjoy the pleasures and to understand the necessity of reading.

Access to information:

Information is the key to successful living and libraries are the primary access points to information. There is a general awareness of the value of information and its potential to empower the individual. Libraries create equal information opportunities, enabling every citizen in Illinois, whether urban or rural, to realize their right to access information. Libraries have a commitment to inform and educate the public, and libraries help people make informed decisions. Librarians are the primary guides to information resources and facilitators for their use. The exponential growth in information underscores the importance of the use of technological advances in addressing users' needs. Although opportune use of technologies is a key mechanism for improving information access, knowledgeable and enthusiastic library personnel are essential to timely and accurate information retrieval.

The role of networking:

The Illinois State Library is committed to networking which represents good public policy in maximizing the use of the resources of all types of libraries. Every library user benefits from expanded access to information beyond the four walls of a single library building; a single library cannot meet all of the needs of its users. Networking is a cost-effective means of delivering information to citizens of Illinois by using library resources throughout the state and beyond. Technology is key to effective networking, and has facilitated linkage to worldwide information sources.

The need to develop partnerships:

Librarians need to look for every opportunity to develop innovative partnerships that will benefit infomation users. Partnerships provide resources that extend impact far beyond any member's financial means. Libraries are information brokers and everyone must have access.

The need for continuous training:

Libraries provide opportunities for retraining and retooling in a constantly changing environment. Because of ongoing technological developments, librarians also need continual retraining. Librarians will need to continually adapt to new ways of meeting diverse information demands and this challenge will be met by constant improvements in how library professionals access information and collaborate together.

Adopted by the Illinois State Library Advisory Committee, 1994 Amended by the Illinois State Library Advisory Committee, 1996


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Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library