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March/April 1997

Spell check on my computer was unable to offer any suggestions for "Latino," "ethnicity," and "multicultural."

Of course, it was stumped by every word in the sentence written by Peru-native Karin Qasawa of Waukegan (p. 25), "Estamos convirtiendonos en sociedades multiculturales."

Yes, we are indeed becoming a multicultural society. Our diverse cultures enrich the art, cuisine, music, literature, leisure and business of daily life in America.

Many have adopted a multicultural mindset, while others—like my spell check software manufacturer—are slow to accept.

Less than 5 percent of Illinois park and recreation agency board members are ethnic minorities, according to IAPD's 1996 membership survey. IPRA does not track ethnicity for its member professionals.

In this issue we hear from three African Americans in the field of parks and recreation regarding how we can do a better job of involving minorities.

The interviews begin on page 27 with John Rogers, Jr., who is the president of the Chicago Park District and was named among "America's 50 Most Promising Leaders Age 40 and Under" by Time magazine.

Deborah Totten, CLP, of the Peoria Park District was recently inducted in Peoria's African American Hall of Fame.

Dan Hibbler, CLP, is a visiting lecturer at the University of Illinois who says his philosophy on the subject of race is "more on the side of Dr. Martin Luther King's views than those of Malcom X."

Also in this issue you'll find common-sense ways to embrace diversity through recreation programming, market to different ethnic groups, and communicate diversity through agency publications.

Follow the lead of the individuals and authors featured in this issue, not my spell check. It didn't even know the word "mindset."

Ann Londrigan


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