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Femalethink and Mancipation


The caring and sharing approach for women (femalethink) and men (mancipation) are 2 of 16 emerging trends, identified by futurist Faith Popcorn, that affect how we use our discretionary time and income. And, boy how spending and leisure times patterns and preferences have changed!

Census projections note that the non-Hispanic, white population, now the largest group, will grow the slowest in the next 30 years; people of Hispanic origin will account for 44% of growth making them the second-fastest growing group, with the Asian population accounting for the largest growth

Minorities in the U.S buy more than any single country that trades with the U.S.
Towers Perrin

In a poll conducted by Yankelovich's Monitor, 6% of the population identified themselves as quot;gay/lesbian/homosexual"

The Centers for Disease Control estimate that 35 to 49 million people have a disability defined as a physical or mental impairment limiting at least one major life activity

The number of children living with grandparents increased 31% between 1990 and 1994; of the 1.3 million being raised by grandparents, 49% were white, 46% African American, and 11% Hispanic
U.S. Census

Bosses in U.S. companies are spending twice as much time settling employee disputes as they did ten years ago

Religion is losing its influence on American life, according to 65% of voters polled, but 62% said its influence is growing in their own lives
—U.S. News 6- World Report

Current environmental laws don't go far enough say 51% women and 38% men; in a no-compromise situation 69% women and 58% men pick environmental protection over economic development
National Environmental Education and Training Foundation

For baby boomers the American Dream no longer means a big house and the corner office, but rather "being true to yourself" and "staying healthy"
Roper Starch Worldwide survey for Age Wave

The number of fitness facility members 55 years of age and older increased by an incredible 145% to 2.7 million people between 1985 and 1995
—Fitness Products Council and American Sports Data

A record 2,000 products claiming to be low-fat or fat-free were introduced in 1996
New Product News

Faith Popcorn, a futurist and chair of BrainReserve who is credited with detecting the trend and coining the term "cocooning," is back with a set of new trends and directions.

She's added to the ten initial trends overviewed in The Popcorn Report six additional "on-trend" candidates with widespread implications for use of discretionary time and money.

From the book Clicking: 16 Trends to Future Fit Your Life, Your Work, and. Your Business, co-authored with Lys Marigold, are:

cocooning: burrowing at home

clanning: getting together with others like yourself*;

fantasy adventure: going after risk-free excitement

pleasure revenge: rebelling against the "right" thing*

small Indulgences: little things to enjoy life more

anchoring: connecting with a spiritual sense*

egonomics: "me, me, me"

femalethink: caring and sharing approach*

mancipation: caring and sharing for men*

99 lives: too busy, too many roles

cashing out: less is more

staying alive: focusing on health and well-being

downaging: redefining age and nostalgia

vigilante consumer: growing demands

iron toppling—anti-big: (business, government)*

s.o.s.: save our society (kids, environment)

•newcomers to the "on-trend" list

is the president of Leisure Lifestyle Consulting of Glastonbury, Conn., specializing in support for the service industry in reaching and retaining customers through leisure experiences and lifestyle connections.

42 / Illinois Parks and Recreation


Times change and so do people. We change our spending patterns, eating preferences, and leisure time pursuits. According to the 1996 Statistical Abstract of the United States, the following reflect some of those changes occurring between 1985 and 1994.

Consumer Expenditures

1985  1994 
books  $13.9 million  $19.1 million 
bicycles and supplies  $2.1 million  $3.4 million 
nondurable toys and sporting supplies  $25.7 million  $39.3 million 
flowers, seeds, and plants  $8.7 million  $14.0 million 
sporting good expenditures  $29.6 billion  $48.7 billion 
walking shoes  $37.4 million  $1.85 billion 
aerobic shoes  $178 million  $226 million 
exercise equipment  $1.2 billion  $2.57 billion 
healthcare costs  $428.2 billion  $949.4 billion 
beauty shop receipts  $14.9 billion  $25.2 billion 
childcare costs  $2.6 billion  $10.6 billion 
amusement park admission fees  $2.6 billion  $5.9 billion 

Participation Patterns

1985  1994 
number of fishing licenses  35.7 million  37.9 million 
number of NCAA women's basketball teams  746  859 
number of professional rodeos held  617  859 
youth softballers  71.2 million  1.2 billion 
Overnight stays in national parks  15.8 million  18.3 million 
canoeing  1.3 million  2.4 million 
symphony concert attendance  24 million  24.4 million 
Boy Scout membership  4.8 million  5.3 million 
Girl Scout membership  2.8 million  3.3 million 
members, American Bowling Congress  3,657  2,370 
total trips taken by U.S. residents  497.8 million  688.2 million 
tons of recovered paper  61.5  81.3 

Food & Beverage Consumption (per person)

1985  1994 
beef  74.6 lbs  63.6 lbs. 
fish  15 lbs  15.1 lbs. 
chicken  36.4 lbs  49.5 lbs. 
fresh fruit  110.6 lbs  126.7 lbs. 
mozzarella cheese  4.6 lbs  7.9 lbs. 
soft drinks  35.7 gal  52.2 gal. 
alcohol  40.7 gal  36.4 gal. 
coffee  27.4 gal  21.1 gal. 
skim milk  1.5 gal  3.3 gal. 

Services (healthcare, childcare, beauty salons) are receiving the exponential share of your money these days...into the multi-billions.

More traditional leisure activities such as bowling and symphony concerts are singing the blues, while grandstands are teaming at rodeos and games played by women, such as basketball and softball...witness the gold rush in women's sports at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta.

The trend toward eating light and healthy is showing up at dinner tables everywhere. Beef, alcohol and coffee are found in moderation with second helpings of fresh fruits and skim milk.

March/April 1997 / 43

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