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Kustra has political
gene deficiency

Lt. Gov. Robert Kustra did as much, if not more, to defeat U.S. Senate aspirant Bob Kustra as Al Salvi [did]. Kustra's recent gift of political money to Democrat Jesse White's campaign for Illinois secretary of state against Al Salvi reveals the inherent political gene deficiency Kustra had in dealing with fellow GOP as a teammate. His donation is testimony to the lack of respect and consideration he had, and has, for the members of the party of Lincoln who labored in the vineyard for him to become a Glenview trustee, an Illinois representative, a senator and the lieutenant governor.

While I wish Bob the best of luck and health in his new life in Kentucky, I hope his dollar dagger is not the final straw that carries the election for White. Bob had a way about circumventing party committeemen that was counterproductive to organization work for him.

As he leaves, he does them in once more.

John "Bill" Handzel Sr. Skokie

Please take note

The telephone number for Illinois • Issues has changed. The new prefix is (217)206-6084.

The University of Illinois at Springfield campus community, of which Illinois Issues is a part, switched from CMS telecom service to Ameritech in mid-May.

Several phone numbers on campus have referrals, meaning that if someone calls the old number, a recording will give the caller the new number.

However, the magazine does not have such a referral. Therefore, we ask our readers to please make a note of the new telephone number for Illinois Issues.

36 / June 1998 Illinois Issues

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