New amendment should not exclude lawyers and judges
There seems to be some confusion about the just- adopted amendment to the Illinois Constitution regarding the Illinois Courts Commission (see Illinois Issues, October 1998, page 8).

Some publications have said that, with its adoption, two "non-lawyers" will be added to the present five- member commission composed solely of judges.

The wording of the amendment is that the governor will appoint two "citizens."

Doesn't that mean that lawyers, as well as non-lawyers, could be appointed? Or even more judges?

Ed Nash

Biotechnology critics off-base
The article, "World worries about corn and beans," in your November issue made fascinating reading. (See page 16.) I suspect the term "international activists" does not, for most Americans, include the United States — but it should. How many Americans realize that for over 30 years the consumer could go into a French grocery store and buy milk in bottles that were sitting in a pile on the floor? The bottles had been irradiated to kill bacteria, so the milk didn't need refrigeration until the bottle was opened. A small group of U.S. activists have been able to keep irradiated foods off the market here for years. The only certainties are death, taxes and CHANGE!
William T. Camall

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