Agriculture without science would ensure failure

Having read the article "Seeds of Change" in the September issue (see page 12), I must say that the author's bias on the impact of bioengineering on Midwest agriculture would "warm the cockles" of a Luddite's heart. Perhaps Bill Lambrecht prefers to go back to the era of about 100 to 150 years ago when 40 acres and a mule defined agriculture. If there ever was a sector in the world's economy that has benefited more from improving technology than farming, I don't know what it is.

For what it is worth, your explanation about Lambrecht's qualifications warned me as to what his assessment would be. The conclusion of your introduction quotes Lambrecht as saying, "The world grows plenty of food." I wonder where that "plenty" is. To blame world hunger on the failure of distribution is absurd. Agriculture without science would ensure a failure of not only distribution but consumption.

This kind of article really turns me off. Perhaps you should remove me from the mailing list. But then, I wouldn't know what other "persiflages" are being committed.

David E. Connor

Authority to build tollways conies from slate legislature

In her recent letter to the editor commenting on the "Good Sprawl" article that appeared in the June issue (see page 34), Theresa Amato of the Citizens Advocacy Center continues that group's attempts to mislead the public regarding the origins of proposed additions to the Illinois tollway system. In fact, the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority proceeds with work on additions to the tollway system when specifically directed to do so by a majority vote of the Illinois General Assembly. The authority has never proposed any of these additions. Senate Joint Resolution 14, adopted on July 2, 1993, directed the authority to "expand the Illinois toll highway system to include" two extensions of 1-355 in Will County and a Route 53 tollway in Lake County. Senate Joint Resolution 35, adopted on May 25, 1995, uses identical language with regard to the "O'Hare Bypass Tollway."

The Illinois General Assembly amended the 1953 Toll Highway Act in 1967 to give them the authority to direct the State Toll Highway Authority to build additions to the original system. Previous examples of their use of this authority include their 1970 directive that we extend 1-88 from Aurora to Rock Falls and their 1987 directive that we build the North-South Tollway (1-355).

Don O'Toole
Chief of Communications Illinois State Toll Highway Authority

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University of Illinois at Springfield
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Editor: boyer-long.peggy@uis.edu

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