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F R O M    T H E    E D I T O R


I recently got a letter in the mail from Ameritech regarding my home telephone/Internet account signed by an employee with the title "Director of Packages and Bundles."

Hmmmm. And some who graduated with "Leisure Studies" degrees have taken some ribbing about their job titles! Explain that one to mom and dad.

Director. Recreation supervisor. Facility manager. These traditional titles in parks and recreation remain and others have been added such as sales associate, marketing and communications specialist, quality analyst, director of revenue facilities, and director of land preservation. Like most employers, park districts and forest preserves are affected by a tight labor market and competition for the best employees to assume these job titles.

Nancy Aldrich, human resources supervisor for the Arlington Heights Park District, asks the question in her story on page 15: "Have you hired—and kept—any good workers lately?"

Apparently, with the jobless rate holding at 4.4 percent, it has become more challenging to find and keep good employees. As a result, employers are offering more than a good wage to lure and keep workers. Aldrich calls some of these benefits "work/life initiatives," and they include everything from job sharing and telecommuting to dry cleaning, concierge and veterinary services, and day care.

Most public park and recreation budgets won't allow these kinds of perks. So, look to page 19 for 101 ways to reward your staff that don't cost a lot of money. Author Joseph DeLuce, director of recreation for the Champaign Park District, contends that recognizing your employees is the key to being an effective manager and goes a long way toward keeping your staff.

Some of his ideas are remarkably simple and cost absolutely nothing.

Say thanks. Give credit. Ask for input. Listen. Keep an open door. Smile. Offer a job title change.


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