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Carlin monument

To the editor:

I am seeking the Society's help in locating information about Victor S. Holm, the sculptor of the Carlin monument in Carrollton, Illinois. When the monument was dedicated on July 4, 1917, the program included an address titled "The Monument" by Victor S. Holm. Does the ISHS archives happen to have a copy of this address? I know that your Journal has an article on the statue, and I have just ordered it by interlibrary loan. Holm was a sculptor of some significance in St. Louis, and the Carlin monument was probably one of his major works.

Here at the University of Missouri at Rolla, in our art collection, we have a fine bronze statue of one of our schools early benefactors. The sculptor was Holm, and I am trying to find as much information as possible about him so as to write up an information sheet on this piece in our collection. Any information you could send me or direct me to would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Dr. Elizabeth Cummins
Department of English
University of Missouri-Rolla

Joys of membership

To the editor:

I feel like I have already received my membership benefits, just by going through the Society's web site last night (, although it was almost disheartening to see that people are already doing the projects I thought of as retirement fun! I loved the marker site...I have been taking pictures of markers for years and driving my family crazy (often at risk) so I could read them. Now, I can just come back and look them up! I was also thrilled to find the "old highway" descriptions. There is a great trail between here and Easton that is mostly sand and goes through a cornfield (including fording a creek; it even has a restored prairie along one side of it). For years I have been meaning to go back and do oral histories of some of the farmers around there. If I don't get around to it, perhaps someone else will.

Terri Cameron

Heritage by the bundle

To the editor:

As the Development Director for the McLean County Historical Society, I am always on the look out for ways to thank our members/donors. I have been consistently impressed with the articles in the Illinois Heritage magazine and wondered if there would be a way to offer it to some of our members. Do you offer bulk subscription rates?

David J. Hauman
Director of Development
McLean County Museum of History

Editor's note: The Illinois State Historical Society currently does not offer bulk subscriptions but may do so in future if there is sufficient interest. Multi-pie copies of current and back issues of Illinois Heritage are available to AIHMS members and booksellers at a significant discount. For more information call 217-525-2781.

Historic Illinois
to "Share the Heritage"

Historic Illinois, the hard cover, "coffee-table" history of Illinois sponsored by the Illinois State Historical Society, will be published in 2004. This one-of-a-kind "Collector's Edition" history of the Prairie State, penned by historian Janice Petterchak and featuring a foreword by former Governor Jim Edgar (see interview with Governor Edgar in this issue), is also an important fund-raiser for the Society.

The first part of the book features a complete history of the state, including a celebration of the 200tn anniversary of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The second part, "Sharing the Heritage," profiles Illinois companies and organizations that have made a lasting contribution in Illinois, and features family histories. These books will make great gifts for years to come.

"Sharing the Heritage" is a wonderful way to record and preserve family histories. There is a special rate (25 percent off the commercial rate) for Society members; ISHS members with commercial enterprises receive a 10 percent discount for stories in "Sharing the Heritage." Pre-publication book discounts (25 to 60 percent off the retail price for purchases of 10 books or more) will also be available.

To learn more about Historic Illinois, interested companies, organizations, and families should call Charlie Maier, 312-860-6735.

"Sharing the Heritage" participants as of April 21, 2003: Accenture, A.M. Castle & Co., Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, Brandt Consolidated, Carr Futures, Chicago Hilton Hotel and Towers, Children's Memorial Hospital, Columbia College, Freedom Oil, Illinois Education Association, Illinois Institute of Technology, Intergenerational Profit Associates, Inc., Kennicott Brothers, Co., Levi, Ray & Shoup, Marshall Field's, Millikin University, Palmer House Hilton, Passavant Hospital, Robert Morris College, Springfield Renaissance Hotel, William Blair & Company.

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