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parks day at the capitol

Reaching Out for Recognition

Legislators, legislative staff, government workers and state Capitol visitors were greeted with a little bit of green and a lot of enthusiasm on April 29. Parks Day at the Capitol was a tremendous success, breaking last year's participation record.

The Illinois Association of Pork Districts coordinated the event, which was held in the rotunda of the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield. It was scheduled one day before the IAPD Legislative Conference, for maximum exposure to the Illinois legislature.

Forty-eight agencies took advantage of this opportunity to demonstrate how park districts, forest preserves, conservation districts and recreation agencies positively impact the economy and quality of life in Illinois. A number of participants made appointments with their legislators, or their staff, to personally show them their exhibit and thank them for their support.

Among the exhibitors were:

I. Des Plaines Park District PR Supeivisor Andrea Long and Cindy Capek.

3. Jean Whitmer, giving chair massages and representing the Lan-Oak Park District.

3. Country Club Hills Park District Director Brian Sullivan and Commissioner William "Bill" Callahan.

4. Joliet Park District's Lauren Trato in an interview with Illinois Radio Network reporter Ben Kiningham.

5. Jonelle Von Hatten and Erika Young of the Saint Charles Park District along with Oswegoland Park District's Kiley Thiele.

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