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Champaign prairies


To the editor:

In your article on origins for names of Illinois counties [see "Statewise," Illinois Heritage, Volume 7, #2, March-April 2004], you state "Champaign County was named for Champaign County in Ohio." While this is often stated, I believe the county name also describes the geography, just as Lake County is named for Lake Michigan and Rock Island County is named for the geographical landmark on the Mississippi.

My 1968 Webster's New World Dictionary defines "champaign" as: "1. a broad expanse of plain. 2. flat, open country." That definition describes Champaign County, as well as many counties in central Illinois.

Stanley M. Herrin

Centennial thanks

To the editor:

As we look back on our 100th year, the Libertyville Woman's Club members count the recognition we have received from the Illinois State Historical Society as a most important highlight. Again, thanks so much.

Marjorie Clacking
President, Libertyville Woman's Club

History and harmony

To the editor:

In your "To our readers" column of the March-April 2004 issue of Illinois Heritage, you say Lincoln is credited with "History isn't history unless it's true." Does that sound like Lincoln (who in privacy had a skeptical streak)? Personally I prefer Voltaire's "History is a pack of tricks that the living play upon the dead."

In Spring, 1944, I tried to use a Missouri Harmony copy at the State Historical Library for a musical show I was writing for Springfield Junior College and I was really confused by the staffs that have four lines instead of five. I loved one hymn that ended, "Sopranos: 'What dying worms are we'; Altos: 'What dying worms are we'; Tenors: 'What dying worms are we'; Basses: 'What dying worms are we'; & c." I guess people were supposed to keep on singing "dying worms" until they ran out of breath. It was hardly suitable for a Springfield Junior College musical.

Noble Stockton
Pacific Grove, California


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