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A Grassroots Effort to Save OSLAD and NAAF

April 22 was a power-packed Parks Day at the Capitol.

More than 50 IAPD/IPRA-affiliated agencies showcased benefits that the Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) program and Natural Areas Acquisition Fund (NAAF) have brought to their communities.

The Illinois Association of Park Districts, along with Partners for Parks and Wildlife, a coalition of 130 park, conservation and environmental organizations, coordinated the event, which was held in the rotunda of the State Capitol in Springfield. Several legislators touted the need to preserve OSLAD and NAAF at a news conference and rally held in conjunction with the event.

Most Parks Day participants made appointments with their legislators, or with legislative staff, to personally illustrate OSLAD and NAAF benefits and encourage lawmakers to protect the funds.

1. Ted Flickinger, IAPD president/CEO speaks at the news conference in the Illinois State Capitol's Blue Room

2. Brett Howe (left) and Dave Figgins (right) with Prospect Heights Park District share their display with state capital visitors.

3. Lee Volpe (left), superintendent of recreation and Rochelle McKinnon(right), recreation supervisor, with Winnetka Park District.

4. Dana Mancuso, marketing coordinator for the Urbana Park District.

5. Elizabeth Kessler, superintendent of recreation and James Bottorff, communications/marketing manager with the Skokie Park District.

6. Jeff Nehila, executive director of the Round Lake Area Park District.

7. Larry Reiner, executive director of the Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association and commissioner with the Buffalo Grove Park District, and Michael Selep with SRANI at the Recreation Access display.

8. Lieutenant Goverrfor Pat Quinn speaks at the rally.

9. Illinois State Senator Barack Obama speaks at the rally.

July/ August 2004 - 21

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