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Grants Outlook 2005

By Robert F. Appleman, RLA

Despite the state's continued sluggish economy, most grant programs offered through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources remain steady in fiscal year 2005. The reappearance of Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) funding in the fiscal year 2005 budget, combined with stability in the Bike Path, Recreational Trails (RTF) and Boat Access Area Development (BAAD) programs show continuing support for recreational grants as a whole. Although most member initiative projects failed to be re-appropriated for fiscal year 2004, many were restored through a supplemental fiscal year 2004 appropriation passed in early spring. However, few, if any, survived to make the fiscal year 2005 budget, and the future is not currently known for these reappropriations.

Overall, the outlook for fiscal year 2006 appears to be on course with fiscal year 2005 appropriation levels. At this time, the OSLAD program funding should remain at $20 million for the fiscal year beginning July 1. OSLAD procedures are not expected to change significantly for the next application cycle beginning May 1, 2005. Inaction by Congress to complete the Interior Department budget has again made federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) apportionment levels tenuous at best. Based on recent historical numbers and the best advice of National Park Service staff, IDNR anticipates the apportionment to Illinois will be between $2.5 and $3.5 million. IDNR will again couple this program with OSLAD funds, with projects granted through a joint program. Should the program see a larger than expected apportionment once the federal budget is finalized, IDNR could expand the amount of funds available for grants in a future cycle.

Although IDNR could not make the fiscal year 2004 awards until late spring because of issues with the original appropriation. Bike Path grants for fiscal year 2005 are now back to normal. IDNR anticipates the program will remain steady in fiscal year 2006, and should have $2.5 million available for grants in the next cycle. As with the OSLAD program, procedures are not expected to change significantly for the January 1 through March 1 application period.

The federal Recreational Trails program (RTF), Snowmobile Local Government grant program, and Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) grant programs remain unchanged from the last grant cycle. These programs are under-subscribed by potential applicants, and IDNR staff are available to answer questions and assist in determining eligible projects.

Funding for the Boat Access Area Development (BAAD) grant program should also remain stable for fiscal year 2006.

Awards for the fiscal year 2004 Museum Capital grant program remain undetermined. Although it is anticipated these will be announced at some point, no funding for new fiscal year 2005 Museum Capital grants currently exists. This program was part of the state's fiscal year 2005 capital budget deferred during the spring 2004 legislative session. Because of this, prospects for the program appear unsettled, and no clear idea exists on when — or if — further applications will be accepted.

Major Grant Programs- Fiscal Year 2005

Available Funds







Bike Path




Boat Access




Museum Capital




Note (1): Application review still underway at press time.
Note (2): Funding not included in original fiscal year 2005 capital appropriation.

Robert F. Appleman is the operations officer of the Office of Capital Development for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. January/ February 2005 19

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