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Legislative Conference


More than 370 IAPD and IPRA members lobbied their state senators and representatives on May 4 as part of a concentrated effort to preserve the Open Space Land Acquisition and Development Fund (OSLAD), Natural Areas Acquisition Fund (NAAF) and Conservation 2000 (C-2000) funding. Members were also urged to show their support for a measure to create the Park and Recreational Facility Construction Act.

Events kicked off with a reception May 3, during which park district commissioners and professionals discussed issues with legislators at the Illini Country Club in Springfield.

Then it was down to work at 8:00 the next morning, with a program aimed at giving park and recreation advocates the latest compelling information about how the industry profoundly affects the state's economy, as well as the quality of life for all Illinoisans.

"Legislators generally view parks and recreation as worthy of state government's financial support," said IAPD President and CRO Dr. Ted Flickinger, "But, they always add the caveat 'when funds are available."' Flickinger presented the results of a legislative survey he recently completed. Then, IAPD/IPRA Joint Legislative Committee Chairs Rich Grodsky and Scott Triphahn took up the challenge of inspiring those in the audience to become aware of current legislative issues and to begin long-lasting relationships with their representatives in the Illinois General Assembly.

IAPD General Counsel Peter Murphy detailed the legislation pending before the General Assembly that impacted park districts, forest preserves and conservation agencies. He urged those in attendance to take advantage of their strength as lobbyists and elected officials.

State Representatives Lou Lang and Roger Jenisch echoed Triphahn and Grodsky's sentiments. Jenisch, himself a former DuPage County Board member and forest preserve commissioner, said that he appreciates how park and recreation professionals and citizen advocates have the power to become trusted advisors to members of the state legislature.

Other presentations included "Money and Politics in Illinois" by University of Illinois at Springfield Professor Kent Redfield and an overview of the findings of an IAPD study of the economic impact of Illinois parks and recreation (see IP&R, March/April page 15 and

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources was a welcome presence. Deputy Director — and Springfield Park Board President — Leslie Sgro was on hand to speak of the department's efforts. And IDNR Director Joel Brunsvold personally delivered nearly $2.5 million in OSLAD funding to representatives of seven park districts from across the state. The money was a small part of the $21.2 million in OSLAD grants going to 74 Illinois agencies (see IP&R, May/June page 35).

The check presentations served as a cogent reminder of the lobbying effort that saved the fund from being put on "holiday" in 2004. That feat needed to be — and was — replicated this spring as the state budgeting process once again threatened the fund. In fact, thanks in large part to the team effort put forth by those attending the legislative conference, OSLAD, NAAF, and C-2000 funds received full appropriations for fiscal year 2006, as well as full re-appropriations for ongoing projects.

12 Illinois Parks and Recreation

1. Bloomington Republican Representative Robert Jenisch gives a "New Member's View of the Legislative Process."

2. Marry Garrison of Winnetka (left) talks with Representative Julie Hamos of Evanston. Along side are Andrew McGurn, a student who "shadowed" the legislator for the day, and Carolyn Kurtz, also of Winnetka.

3. Joel Brunsvold, director of the Illinios Department of Natural Resources, gives an OSLAD check to representatives from the Naperville Park District.

4. IAPD Chair Pam Newton, IAPD General Counsel Peter Murphy, Senator Todd Sieben of Geneseo and IAPD Educational Services Director Sue McGovern enjoy the legislative reception.

5. IAPD/IPRA Joint Legislative Committee Co-chair Scott Triphahn discusses the power of teamwork and the value of creating long-term relationships with legislators.

6. Representative Mark Beaubien of Barrington Hills (center) meets with Past IPRA Chairman Liz Kessler (left) and Lake County Forest Preserve District President Bonnie Thompson Carter (right).

7. Representative Bob Biggins (center) of Elmhurst accepts a Legislator of the Year award from members of the IAPD/IPRA Joint Legislative Committee: (from left to right) IAPD General Counsel Peter Murphy, Richard Grodsky of the Elmhurst Park District, Colette Kubiesa of the Elmhurst Park District, Mike Fugiel of the Lombard Park District and IAPD President and CEO Ted Flickinger.

8.Skokie Democrat Representative Lou Lang discusses "Emerging Issues of the 94th General Assembly." July/August 2005 13

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