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Promoting Customer Loyalty

Planned Quality Experiences Ensure Economic Success

by Dr. Terry G. Schwartz, CPRP

So-called 'reality' television shows, such as "Survivor," "Fear Factor" and "The Amazing Race," have taken what many would consider recreational experiences, albeit vicarious ones, and made them attractive and exciting to viewers. What are the lessons to be learned for parks and recreation personnel?

One lesson is that agency personnel must not abdicate their responsibility to plan great experiences for the customer. The process is complex, but critical. The customer wants planners to strive for the extraordinary.

Some would say that the following formula expresses this commitment:

Experience + Loyalty = Revenue.

Understanding factors that influence customer loyalty becomes critical in the development and maintenance of viable parks and recreation experiences. Key factors — creativity, consistency, quality and concern for customer needs — ensure repeat business, garner loyalty and increase the likelihood of success.

Terry G. Schwartz, CPRP is director of PIVOT Recreation Resources, a brand of Counsilman/Hunsaker & Associates.

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