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New address for a wedding dress

To the editor:

I have my great-grandmother's navy blue, two-piece wedding dress dating from some time during the 1800s. She lived in Bunker Hill, Illinois. We also have photos of her wearing the gown. My family would like to donate the dress to an appropriate group. I know there is a Macoupin County Museum, but I wasn't sure if it had this type of item in its collection. Can you help us?

Nancy Cole
Columbia, MO 65205

Editor's note: The Macoupin County Historical Society and Mtiseum in Carlinville, Illinois, very much appreciates your donation.

Marker for the Cubs first home?

To the editor:

I am currently working on a project to erect a tribute marker for the former home of the Chicago Cubs, located on the west side of Chicago from 1893 to 1915 and called West Side Grounds.

The ballpark served as the site of the first intraurban World Series Game in history between the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago White Sox in 1906, and it was also the site of the first back-to-back World Series titles by one franchise in 1907 and 1908. Before Wrigley Field, West Side Grounds hosted the greatest baseball players in the National League. The Cubs were a powerhouse at the park, winning four National League pennants and hosting four World Series.

The University of Illinois at Chicago currently owns the property where the ball park once stood. According to an insurance company map I obtained from the Chicago Historical Society, the location of the center field flag pole would have been at approximately 912 S. Wood Street, in front of the Neuro-psychiatric Institute of the University of Illinois at Chicago. This would be the perfect site for an historical marker honoring the great history of baseball in Chicago.

I'm willing to help out in anyway possible, and if you point me in the right direction, I'm sure we can get West Side Grounds the recognition that it truly deserves. Please offer your feedback, and outline the procedures to get this project going.

Mike Reischl
Chicago, II 60631

Editor's note: The Illinois State Historical Society would be pleased to see a historic marker to commemorate the Cubs first home in Chicago. For a historical marker application and guidelines for sponsorship, please visit the Society's website at

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