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Lincoln-Douglas debates

To the editor:

I am trying to determine if the seven Lincoln-Douglas debates will be re-enacted in 2008 for the 150th anniversary. Is any State of Illinois agency or other organization coordinating the re-enactment plans? It would be a privilege for me to attend all seven debates. I appreciate any information you provide in this regard.

Phillip E. Solzan

Editor's note: See story about the Lincoln-Douglas debates on page 4.


Great Chicago Fire

To the editor:

I'm a high school student doing a senior project on the Great Chicago Fire and I was wondering if you might have some information that I would be able to use in my presentation, or be able to answer a few of my questions that I don't have answered. It would be great to hear from you if you do have information from 1871, immigration rates, population census between 1870 and 1880, famous people that moved or lived in Chicago before/during/after the Great Fire, and information about the first World Fair.

Michael Saunders    
Mankato, Minnesota

Editor's note: Your best sources for this information are the Chicago History Museum (, which has an excellent website for the Chicago Fire, and the Illinois State Archives, ( which retains many city records from the time of the fire.

Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library