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WebXtra: an environmental report card

How well is your agency doing when it comes to protecting your community's natural resources? Are you a community leader or in need of some basic environmental training? IPRA's Environmental Committee members heard these questions voiced by attendees at a recent state conference. Concerned colleagues said they were looking for a tool that could be used to evaluate their agencies and help to point out deficiencies, as well as used to learn when pats on the back were justified. Committee members have crafted an Environmental Report Card, which is a self-evaluative tool to be completed internally by key staff members at an agency. Consisting of 76 YES/NO questions, the report card asks, for example:

•   Does your agency have a board-approved environmental policy?
•   Do you provide opportunities for staff and patrons to recycle waste in your parks and facilities?
•   Have you implemented integrated pest management programs in your parks and facilities to reduce the use of chemical pesticides?
•   Are funds dedicated to support achievement of environmental goals, such as recycling programs, energy audits, natural areas restoration, etc?

Questions are scored, and your total score can help you determine whether your agency is 'in the green' or has work to do in improving its environmental record.

March 2007/Illinois Parks/19

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