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IPRA to Streamline its Governance Structure

William J. M. Wald IPRA Chief Executive Officer

On Thursday, June 14, the Illinois Park and Recreation Association Board of Directors unanimously approved to reduce the board of directors from 21 members to 14 members.

Restructuring and Resizing the IPRA Board of Directors

The idea of restructuring the IPRA board was a recommendation originating a few years ago from a committee and section task force that revised the IPRA committee structure; ultimately reducing the number of working committees. In 2005, a governance task force was formed to review the previous task force's recommendation and either propose a new structure for the board or maintain its current structure.

It is not uncommon for associations to periodically review their governance structure in order to provide their membership -- the most efficient operational and policymaking structure possible. Within the not-for-profit realm, it is the fiduciary responsibility of the board to evaluate itself and report back to the membership if it is maintaining a stable working environment.

Recently, some other state park and recreation associations have also reviewed their governance structure and reduced the size of their boards. Included are Ohio, Florida, Michigan and California.

IPRA Board Elections Suspended for 2008

The IPRA Board of Directors also approved a motion to suspend elections for 2008, except for section board elections, and a motion to maintain the current IPRA Board of Directors through 2008. The board also voted to suspend four areas of the IPRA bylaws in order to accommodate retaining the current board. Retaining the current the board members through the planning process and eventual downsizing will ensure the retention of the current board's high knowledge base concerning governance issues. The final reduction plan is anticipated to take through 2008 to allow for staggering of terms on the board.

"It is our responsibility to see through what we started two years ago," commented IPRA Board Chairman Amy Charlesworth. "So I support suspending electing new board members until the process is completed. It would be unfair for new members to be placed on the board while we work through the process when they may be quickly phased out."

The board agreed that it could be counterproductive to run an election when a winning candidate could lose his or her seat as early as one year later.

The Structure of the New IPRA Board of Directors

The new IPRA Board of Directors will be made up of the following positions:

  •   Chairman

  •   Chairman-Elect

  •   Past Chairman

  •   A representative from each section (except the student section)

  •   Four district representatives

    All of the previously named regions have been reconfigured to accommodate four districts - not six regions. District 1 consists of northern Illinois; District 2 consists of Chicago-Metro; District 3 consists of central Illinois; and District 4 consists of southern Illinois.

    "The ability for IPRA to change with the times and have the know-how to review itself is a tribute to the park and recreation professionals that serve the association and the citizens of Illinois."

    8 Illinois Parks & Recreation

    Four seats on the IPRA Board of Directors will go to representatives elected from these newly configured IPRA districts.

    Elections will continue this fall for section boards, but the sections and regions will not be electing new board representatives.

    Making the Transition

    The IPRA Board of Directors would like to thank anyone who was interested in being nominated for election to the board in 2008 for their interest and encourages candidates to seek a position when the election process resumes.

    The IPRA Board of Directors also gives its gratitude to the governance task force members and Chair Liza McElroy for two years of work on the new governance structure. McElroy indicated to the board, "This is our final recommendation after we listened to the sections, members and affiliates on how they wanted their board structured. Though this final recommendation is different from our initial recommendation, we researched and listened to the members. We followed through on what we promised to the members and the board of directors."

    IPRA Chairman of the Board Amy Charlesworth has formed the governance attrition task force to start the project management and planning process for the development of the new IPRA Board of Directors. Past Chairman of the Board Bill McAdam will head that task force. An initial recommendation will be given to the current IPRA Board of Directors in November. An important aspect will be the staggering of board member terms so as not to have all members elected at once.

    Our task is not complete without performing our due diligence and developing a project plan that will outline the restructuring and staggering of terms. A good board, such as IPRA's, understands that reviewing itself is essential to operating a good association. The ability for IPRA to change with the times and have the know-how to review itself - despite not always liking what is heard - is another tribute to the park and recreation professionals that serve the association and the citizens of Illinois.

  • From the Blogosphere -

    Comments Received on the IPRA Blog

    To voice your opinion on the restructuring of the IPRA Board of Directors, or any other item posted to the IPRA blog, go to and click on the individual post's comment link.

    Here are some recent posts concerning the announcement of the restructuring of the IPRA Board.

    "Congratulations to the Board and members of IPRA for the leadership shown in approving a fundamental change to the make-up of the IPRA Board. This new structure will serve the members well and will create a Board more able and nimble to deal with quick and constant change. Thanks for being open minded and bold. Also a big thank you to Liza [McElroy] for her leadership and commitment to this Task Force and IPRA. This is a great first step in a long needed look at IPRA's governance. I am very proud to be an IPRA member and proud of our leadership and staff. Well done!"

    - Steve Scholten

    Bloomingdale Park District

    "In my opinion, the IPRA Board members should be the best and the brightest in the field. Our old system sometimes encouraged the 'short straw' candidate, not the best. I am so pleased to see the board adopt this drop in the size of the IPRA Board to a more workable number. Ultimately, I would love to see the board revisit its size again and have general elections for the best candidates but I believe the sections and active affiliates give the members the best opportunity to learn committee structure, show responsibility for completion of a project and ultimately the best way to get board candidates."

    - Jane Hodgkinson

    Western DuPage Special Recreation Association

    "Finally! Well Done IPRA Board. You are modernizing a governance structure that was created when I had all my hair and half the waistline. All organizations need to continually improve. This is a very good step. I heartily endorse it and the future plan to reduce to nine members. Best of luck."

    -Arnie Biondo

    Carol Stream Park District

    "As IPRA continues to evolve and improve its governance structure and delivery of member services, please remember always that whoever sits in an IPRA governance chair does so to serve 'we the membership' no matter how far we are separated by geographic distances. As I sit here in my Carbondale home office, 342 miles away (according to Yahoo Maps), I'm very familiar with the challenge that we embrace as an association. I am convinced that change must occur for the continued growth and improvement of our association and I challenge my fellow members to support whatever decision is made by our Board of Directors regarding the governance structure selected and to lend their continued assistance as we move forward with this new opportunity to demonstrate our excellence as the national leader in state park and recreation associations. I pledge my support and assistance as the IPRA moves forward into a new and exciting chapter."

    - George Whitehead Leisure

    Time Consulting

    9 July /August 2007

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