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parks and progress


The dedication of a sailboat harbor at Eldon Hazlett State Park at Carlyle Lake has insured the availability of sail-boating to sailing enthusiasts in southern Illinois. The new harbor is the first sailboat facility built in an Illinois State Park. An administration building and pavilion are also planned for the site. Picnic and camping facilities are available nearby.

The Valley View Sailing Association, formerly located in St. Louis, will act as concessionaire in managing the new facilities. Harbor facilities include three electric hoists, four 200-foot 'finger' piers, boat storage racks and a concrete launching rack. The Association is planning regular classes for young sailors in boat safety and boat handling.

Eldon Hazlett State Park on the west side of the lake is a 2200 acre park with the sailboat harbor occupying the southern 90 acres. Boat ramps, boat rental, boat-trailer parking areas, picnic tables and camping facilities are also available near the sailboat harbor area. With approximately 80 square miles of lake area or 26,000 acres of water, there is an adequate amount of recreational water space available for sailing, fishing, water-skiing and boating.


With a record turn out of voters, the Elmhurst Park District approved the issue of $3.9 million dollars in general obligation bonds. Also approved was an increase of the district's corporate tax.

A record turn out of 7,244 voters was twice the number ever to vote on a park district referendum. Of the 7,244 votes cast, 4,691 favored the passage of the referendum. The improvement program will begin immediately.

In the race for park commissioner, encumbent Edwin R. Tyk was re-elected and Kurt Siem won the second seat.

Illinois Parks and Recreation    23    July/August, 1971

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