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WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT POLLUTION? Try these for starters:

Turn off your car's ignition when you must wait for passengers or trains.
Select an automobile with a smaller engine.
Use unleaded gasoline if possible.
Keep your car well-tuned.
Make your car last a few years longer.
See that your automobile is fitted with a good emmission control device.
Use only weed killers which do not contain DDT or other persistent chemical compounds.
Use pesticides and herbicides only as required, following directions carefully.
Avoid using compounds containing lead, mercury or arsenic.
Consult health authorities before you dispose of hazardous chemicals.
Use bio-degradable soaps.
Reduce the quantity of phosphate containing detergent used for laundry.
Compost your garbage if possible.
Invest in a picnic basket complete with reusable dishes and utensils.
Use and reuse cloth dishtowels, napkins, dust rags and hankerchiefs.
Use paper toweling discriminately.
Choose beverages in returnable containers whenever possible.
Contribute to paper, can or bottle collection drives.
Place all litter in proper receptacles and show your disapproval when others litter.
Carry shopping bags to store and refuse unnecessary bags.
Reuse paper and plastic bags and containers.
Avoid products with unnecessary packaging.
Leave recreational areas cleaner than when you came.
Keep foreign matter out of rivers and lakes.
Check septic tanks and wells for leakage.
Keep all engines in good repair and avoid long idling.
Refrain from burning wastes outside or inside.
Store leftover food and serve again.

Illinois Parks and Recreation    26    July/August, 1971

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