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A Message From Your Presidents

A Keynote For 1972


Ted Kavadas

Illinois unquestionably has been one of the national leaders in providing parks and recreation on the local, county and state level. But like all things they just don't happen. The reason Illinois has such fine laws for parks and recreation and has achieved such phenomenal success in the operation of park facilities and providing recreational programs lies in the dedication of many of our past and present members of our professional Society and the Illinois Association of Park Districts.

These individuals, far too many to name in this column, had the foresight to predict the accelerated demand present today for additional park facilities and diversified recreation programs.

However, it is now the obligation of present members of both organizations to provide for the future. Indeed, providing for the future will be a difficult task!

The public is more aware of environmental issues; they have more leisure time; and have been exposed to a variety of recreational offerings now expected by the public to be found in every community in our State.

The demand for additional facilities and programs will far outstrip our abilities to provide these services unless all agencies concerned with the park and recreation movement work together in a common cause to meet these challenges.

During the next several years, new legislation will be needed to assist local and county governments to provide additional services.

Additional professional training institutes and executive development programs must be provided and expanded to meet the ever changing requirements and personnel in our field.

Recruitment of people into the profession of parks and recreation will still remain a top priority and an obligation to all members of both organizations.

Furthermore, in addition to facing the many problems of the next few years and providing these services we will constantly have to bargain with other agencies on local, county, and state levels for funds needed to provide the expected recreational offerings of the public. With such high priorities in our Society today for mental health, pollution, and education, all of us must be the spokesman for the movement of parks and recreation within our communities and on the state level.

I know these challenges certainly can be met by the fine quality of membership of our two organizations.


Betty Irons

Are we being affected—YOU in your district and your elected Board and the staff of the Association?

Only your own community can truly evaluate the effectiveness of your district. This will become more important over the next few years with the implementation of the new State Constitution, and pressures from both State and National for streamlining local government.

This process for change has started, and your citizens should be convinced that a separate district for parks and recreation most ably meets their needs. Responsiveness to local citizen needs and thoughtful consideration of new methods of service will be helpful in the period of evolutionary growth that seems likely for the next few years.

Can your Association become more effective? Consideration is now being given to dividing the state into ten administrative regions set up for more effective membership participation and communication. Workshops, legislative hearings, membership solicitation, and contact with legislators would be facilitated. Your IAPD Board will be considering how to implement two way communications for a more effective state wide organization. We have some excellent suggestions and some anxious committee chairmen, and we are looking for other members for the committees. One goal is to bring about good working committees that meet and help determine the practices and policies of the Association and aid our staff with some of the work. Your ideas and help are solicited.

So let's get it all together and serve our cause by more effectively serving the people of Illinois.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 2 January/ February 1972

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