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Illinois Association of Park Districts


Eugene Berghoff

This is my first opportunity to report to you on the status and condition of your Association and to give me occasion to review its overall operations and to list my findings and recommendations for future improvements.

Since my appointment as your Executive Vice President on June 1, 1971, I have reviewed the history and accomplishments of the Association. My impressions have been most favorable. As the official service agency for park districts, the organization has been very successful in many areas, especially legislation.

Our history is great, but we must not look backwards as it is the intention of this Association to continue to serve and represent all park boards in Illinois. Only by constructive change, individual service, and cooperation will we be able to satisfactorily determine the needs of the future.

With the assistance of the office staff, I have put forth every effort to correct our addressograph system to be assured that every member is receiving the magazine and all other communications. It is our policy to answer every piece of correspondence as quickly as possible as I feel this is our duty and obligation in serving you, the members of this Association.

On assuming office, there were 21 park districts participating in the Association's group Health Insurance Program with a total of 286 employees and their families covered. This is one of the most important services that has been rendered to our membership, but I feel that it must be expanded to include more districts if the Association is going to benefit sufficiently financially to administer the program in the future. The enrollment period has been opened for new districts from January 1, 1972, to February 28, 1972. If you desire to acquire this program for your district, we would be happy to send you further information.

In order to keep the membership better informed as to our operations, it is our plan to publish annually in the magazine a copy of our financial audit and also the forthcoming 1972 budget that will be approved by the Board of Directors.

The highest membership ever held by your Association was 205 districts. For 1971 we received paid memberships from 194 districts, which we hope to increase for 1972. At the present time there are 289 park districts in Illinois, and we have received since June 1, 1971, nine inquiries from different areas of the state requesting information and assistance in the creation of new park districts. I am sure these statistics prove to you the park movement is on the upswing and we can look forward to greater membership in the future.

Additional effort has been made to attract Forest Preserve and Conservation Districts and also City Boards and Recreation Commissions. It is my greatest desire and goal to eventually be able to report to you that every park district or other local government unit working in the area of parks and recreation are members of this Association.

The 1971 Conference was the most successful ever conducted, and we hope to improve the Conference for 1972. If you have any suggestions or comments relating to the improvement of your Conference, we would be most happy to receive your assistance so that these matters can be considered and you can be provided with the type of program you desire.

As the membership grows, we must plan to increase the staff in order to provide the type of efficient service and communication that is necessary. This, of course, will be based on the amount of revenue available for operation and it is my personal observation that this can be done by seeking new sources of revenue rather than increasing membership dues. I am studying a proposal to sponsor a joint annual fund raising dinner with the Illinois Park and Recreation Society which might provide the necessary revenue for the Association and also give the Illinois Park and Recreation Society an opportunity to operate independently financially. I have discussed these matters with both Boards, and it seems to be the general consensus that an annual fund raising event would solve many problems that have faced both organizations in the past.

The adoption of our state's new Constitution has provided many problems for local governments, and it will be the responsibility of our General Assembly to enact legislation to implement these changes. I am sure you are aware that our organization must be as strong as possible and be alert to all laws introduced that would affect park districts. I pledge to you that I will put forth every effort in assisting your legislative representative Mr. Robert A. Stuart, in promoting effective legislation and defeating those bills that would create hardships for the operation of our park and recreation programs.

The short time I have been the head of your organization I have personally visited a number of park districts, and I intend to continue this activity during 1972. I further plan to conduct a number of local regional one day workshops where each district will have an opportunity to attend and discuss mutual problems, but in addition receive answers or suggestions on any regional subject that might be presented. This would also give me an opportunity to communicate directly with our membership and provide me with your suggestions and recommendations on how your Association can be improved.

I appeared before eight regional meetings of commisioners and staff personnel and have been in contact with various state departments and institutions in resolving past differences and misunderstandings. From June 1, 1971 through December

Eugene Berghoff is Executive Vice President of the Illinois Association of Park Districts.

Continued on Page 28

Illinois Parks and Recreation 17 January/February, 1972


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31, 1971, I traveled 10,000 miles throughout Illinois in promoting and improving this organization.

You can be of great assistance in encouraging your neighboring districts that are not members to affiliate with us in 1972, and encourage groups and companies to join us as Associate Members and to solicit subscribers to the magazine with the end result of not only increasing our revenues but pledging to the public our dedication to improving existing park districts and the creation of additional districts, especially in the rural areas of Illinois.

Our new State Constitution provides that personal property taxes must be abolished by 1979. There have been several bills introduced to supplement the present loss of personal property taxes but none have been enacted into laws. So it behooves all of us to inform the General Assembly that if they desire to remove this tax they certainly must at the same time present legislation to supplement the loss of this revenue to park districts. I also feel that both state and federal revenue sharing should include park districts and not merely counties and municipalities. Any statistics or suggestions you have with respect to revenue matters I request that you send them to me as soon as possible so that as we prepare our 1972 legislative program they can be presented to Mr. Stuart and the legislative committee for further action.

I certainly would be derelict in my duty if I did not express my appreciation for the assistance rendered to me by Bob Stuart, Marjorie Dickinson, Gene Pomerance and the entire Board of Directors for their help during these first crucial months.

With your continued support, confidence, and understanding I hope to serve you well and hope you will be assured of having acquired the best leadership for the Association.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 28 January/ February, 1972

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