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Park District of Highland Park gets

Trees such as this were all made possible through generous contributions of local citizens and the cooperation of the Park District of Highland Park.




By David H. Fritz Director Park District of Highland Park

A LITTLE OVER A YEAR AGO while attending an Annual Meeting of the Sunset Valley Men's Tee Club the Park Board was roundly criticized for its tree replacement program at the district's 18 hole golf course. Over the past ten years, this course has suffered the loss of about ninety excellent American Elm Trees due to the Dutch Elm Disease. Since over half of the 450 trees on the fairways and roughs were elms planted about fifty or sixty years ago the loss

Special equipment was needed to move the forge trees which measured between 4" and 12".

Moving trees this size is a real job. But once in place the trees are noticeable.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 16 May/June, 1972

of ninety trees is readily apparent. While all of these trees had been replaced by a variety of species over this period, due to their small size, l 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches in diameter, they go almost unnoticed by the golfer until after five or ten years.

At the Annual Meeting referred to, this writer was asked to respond to the complaint. The higher cost, over $200 each, for planting larger trees over 4 inches in diameter was emphasized. While the man complaining did not seem to be satisfied, one of his fellow members spontaneously took the floor in support of the Park District and offered a check of $100 for a tree. Before the meeting ended that evening three other similar $100 contributions were made. In addition, the members of the Park Board in attendance at the meeting said that in the next year's budget they would match dollar for dollar all contributions with Park District funds for larger tree replacements.

During the following six months the Sunset Valley Tree Fund grew to $2,150. Of these funds fourteen contributions were for over $100.00.

It was decided by the District to install a special plastic name plate of the donor and the tree name for individual contributions of over $100. This further sparked the program. A lady whose husband had made a hole in one on the 14th hole gave $100 to the District as a birthday present to her husband with the request that a tree scheduled for replacement near this hole bear her husband's name.

Within twelve months Sunset Valley Golf Course tree planting surged ahead.

A large elm tree located in the center of the 7th fairway died and was almost immediately replaced through a $550 contribution in memory of a popular golfer who recently passed away.

Through the Tree Fund special equipment was contracted to move 18 large trees 6 to 12 inches in diameter located in an adjacent old park nursery.

A subdivider offered a 14 inch diameter, 35 foot high specimen Honey Locust Tree and a fir tree from his property if the district moved the trees. The Honey Locust required a 9 foot earth ball weighing over ten tons and is now prominently located in the 7th fairway with a plastic marker where the old giant elm grew for many years.

In all, this past year, thirty-four trees, ranging from 4 to 14 inches in diameter were planted along the fairways. Their worth exceeded $25,000 but through the varying efforts and contributed financial resources the actual direct cost was $1,135 for plant materials, $1,806 for Contractors equipment expense and $2,996 in Park District labor for a total of $5,907 expended.

While it is not expected that the district will be able to continue at this level in succeeding years, the program is expected to continue. Over $200 has already been contributed for next season as this article is being written.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 17 May/June, 1972

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