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1971 Merit Award

The Glenview Park District was named as recipient of the Chicago Lighting Institute's 1971 MERIT AWARD for outstanding lighting installation for the new floodlights installed at Roosevelt Park last summer.

The lighting svstem, designed by Wallace W. Weld, Lighting Consultant of Northbrook, Illinois, covers the combination playing Areas for Football, Softball, Ice Skating and Ice Hockey. By using several circuits, various intensities were developed for the different areas. A minimum of 15 foot-candles maintained were produced over the entire 295' by 400' area. Foot-candle values were increased on the Softball infields and Ice Hockey areas to 20 foot-candles maintained. For General Ice Skating the intensities can be reduced to only 2 foot-candles which produces a good savings in the electrical costs.

Louvers were installed in the floodlights so that the homes in the area were not subject to direct light or glare. This is a distinct factor in preserving the home-like atmosphere in the adjacent residential area.

The Chicago Lighting Institute called the lighting installation "Outstanding in visual performance."

Richard E. Johns, Superintendent of the Park District received the award at a recent luncheon in Chicago. Speaker for the luncheon was Wilbert R. Hasbrouck, AIA Executive Director of the American Institute of Architects.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 11 July/August, 1972

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