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IPRS President-Elect

To Direct Penn State Dept.

effective September 1, 1972

Dr. Tony A. Mobley

Dr. Tony A. Mobley, Chairman, Department of Recreation and Park Administration, Western Illinois University, has recently accepted a new position, effective in September, as Chairman, Recreation and Parks, at The Pennsylvania State University. The program at Penn State is well-known for its comprehensive curriculum in recreation and parks which includes options in park and recreation administration; recreation program supervision; camping, outdoor education, and interpretive services; and therapeutic recreation. Degree programs are offered at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels. There are thirteen full-time faculty members. The facilities provided for these programs are excellent, and they include several hundred acres of land for outdoor recreation-education purposes. Penn State is located at State College, Pennsylvania, and has a total enrollment of over 28,000 students.

Dr. Mobley came to Western Illinois University in 1965 when there were only two courses in Recreation. He has provided leadership for the development of a program which now includes a major curriculum, five full-time and five part-time staff members providing professional preparation for more than 250 majors who are currently in the program. Many of the graduates of the program at Western have already demonstrated outstanding leadership in the Park and Recreation profession.

During his seven years in Illinois, Dr. Mobley has been an active member of the Illinois Park and Recreation Society by serving as chairman of several major committees and as an active member of numerous other committees. He has been elected to the IPRS Board of Directors three times, and this year was selected as President-Elect of the Society. In addition to IPRS, Mobley has been active in NRPA by chairing, or serving on, several committees as well as serving as a member of the Board of Directors of the Society of Park and Recreation Educators. More than twenty articles have been authored by Dr. Mobley for state and national professional publications.

In 1970 the American Council on Education selected Dr. Mobley as a Fellow in its Academic Administration Internship Program, and he was assigned to the offices of the Chancellor and Provost at North Carolina State University for one year. Prior experience in recreation and parks includes positions in public parks and recreation, the YMCA, private clubs, coaching, church recreation, and camping in Kentucky, North Carolina, Indiana and Illinois. He holds a doctorate and masters from Indiana University, a masters from Southern Seminary, and a bachelors degree from Georgetown College.

Tony has indicated his deep regret at leaving all of his many friends in Illinois, but he and his wife, Betty, and son, Derek, are looking forward to the new challenge at Pennsylvania State University.

Funds For


Tricia Nixon Cox was on hand recently to present the Glen Ellyn Park District with a check for $950,000 and generate interest in the park district's new park development program.

The $950,000 grant from the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund will make possible the full facilities development which includes: a 9-hole golf course, baseball fields, tennis courts, indoor-ice/50-meter swimming pool and picnic area. The Architect for the project, J. E. BARCLAY, J. E. BARCLAY & ASSOCIATES, Oak Park, Illinois—Consultant and L. S. HUBBARD, L. S. HUBBARD & ASSOCIATES, Chicago, Illinois. These firms worked closely with the park district on the development of the Bond Issue, Referendum and Federal Grant. Preparation of working drawings will proceed immediately. The facilities are planned to be opened for Public Usage in 1973.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 14 July/August, 1972

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